Weather reports, please!


Well-known member
It actually turned out to be nice weather yesterday!

Here's some authentic California sunshine for all you people who are cold! :)



Well-known member
Gusty winds and pouring rain. Chance of flash flooding and a severe weather warning is in place. Bring it on! :D
The last couple of days have be B-E-A-utiful. Perfect fall weather. It's been in the upper 60s or lower 70s with bright sunshine and a nice breeze. It is getting a smidge cold at night, though. We had a frost warning for a couple of days last week.


Well-known member
Are ya happy?

Well, this morning I awakened to a frosty, freezing minus 3 celcius. I must depart in one hour and the roads look icy and I do not have winter tires on the old Jeep. I must drive 20 KM on a twisty downhill country road to get to the person who needs me. This is November weather! I thought the snow yesterday was a fluke. I have a terrible cold that has gotten into my chest but I have my obligations and have no dog or cat food in the cupboard. So off I will go - slipping and sliding to work and shop. I am happy I have the means to support myself and provide for my loved ones. The sun is shining and the temperature has risen to minus 1. Thank you for asking GG.


Well-known member
We had our first big rain storm of the year and it's rained the past few days, but the sun finally came back out today - just in time for the World Series! :)