We are all emotional retards


Well-known member
I think most people here have already figured this out.
The whole point of CBT is to improve on your emotional intelligence management


Well-known member
I understand emotions better than the average retard but do not preform much better in controlling my emotions.

I read half way through the WiKi definitions and fell asleep. Does this mean I am narcoleptic?

Being emotionally intelligent means to control your own emotions and control others' emotions in order to get things done. For example, you're emotionally intelligent if you can control your fear and be confident, and be outgoing with others so that they trust you, and cooperate with you.

Don't I sound like I'm a master of emotional intelligence? I wish.


Well-known member
I am offended that you call us "emotionally special".

I prefer "Emotionally Challenged"

I don't see myself as "special" ::(:

Wow - and I thought "retard' was offensive - go figure.

My apologies.


Well-known member
Except for maybe managing their own emotions, I think that many people with 'SA' are exceptionally emotionally attuned, readily detecting micro-gestures and their emotional implications. They may habitually respond with irrational levels of anxiety, and still recognize the irrationality on an intellectual level.

Much the same way that you can look at this graphic and, through thought, accurately compare the men's heights, but can never shake the feeling that there's something amiss.

Even so, I agree that emotional intelligence probably plays a significant role in many cases of SA.


Well-known member
I don't know what is the point of this thread. Why don't you better judge people according to what they actually do? Did anyone of us do you any wrong? Why do you think people on this forum are emotionally inferior?

I am self-deprecating.


Well-known member
Although I don't have much of a problem reading others emotions, I have a very hard time with my own. Not so much controlling them but in having an emotional response that fits the situation. Most of the time I feel nothing or little at all and I have to fake my way through it. I think this is more a symptom of depression then SA though.


Well-known member
Emotional Intelligence is an artificial construct. I actually wanted to write about it in my thesis (and mentioned it briefly), my roommate who was a psychology major said she went into research about it too, and she said at the time it was not an officially recognized concept in the psychology circles.

If you ever read Daniel Goleman's books you'll agree it's a mix of various concepts that someone put together (like communication and meditation etc). I did find many books about it helpful though.

I find the title and original message of this thread offensive too and think a better approach would be, 'We are still learning'.
CBT books are strongly against labelling - what good does it do? Usually just makes people give up on making things better... And these are things we can LEARN to a great degree.. Maybe we just didn't have adequate role models in our real life..

I also agree that many people with SA may be kind and better friends than many thoughtless or rude 'jerks' out there... And many confident and outgoing people may have problems with other aspects of their emotional lives.. There may be things people who 'seem to have it all together' need to learn too.. (Like good parenting skills or effective communication with kids etc.) And yeah, at times I was one of those people for whom others thought I have it all together too.. So you never know.. Everyone can come across problems in their life.. It's called growth..

Emotional intelligence is not about elitism and 'who's better' - it's about kindness and respect and learning to live together on this planet in a constructive way...


Well-known member
I wouldn't call the ability to control to feelings of others of groups emotional intelligence. In the wrong hands this can be facism.


Well-known member
Poppycock! ::p: I have my moments and I have things about myself that need fixing, but I wouldn't say that I'm emotionally retarded. I'm more likely around average EI.