There sure is a royal amount of 'me-talk' in this journal... it's probably embarrassing just because it means others know just how willing I am to go on and on about myself.
But anyways, here's something that really pisses me off:
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I really do think we've come to the point where we realize that industrialization was overall a bad thing. Even though people are happy because most of us have everything we need to survive and it's easy to drown everything out in entertainment and leisure and work and family... I don't think that there's anyone who doesn't know that this is a toxic existence.
But I don't even think modern people are capable of going back to living in a less impactful way. I don't think they would want to... because living like this has made us weaker and stupider and more evil than we have ever been. We're too wrapped up in ourselves. And we won't change, because I don't even think we'll ever have to.
I'm sure that if the storms get worse, they'll come up with a solution for that... not a solution that helps to make things better, but one that makes sure that we can keep going. A solution that means that the humans will be safe, but the rest of the world won't be. And we'll still be so into ourselves we won't notice, or we'll project the blame elsewhere, or we'll do the minimum and then wonder why someone doesn't do something about it all... and then we'll go shopping to make ourselves feel better. It won't matter if there are mass extinctions and our great great grandchildren inherit a wasteland, because there's a solution for everything... even living in a wasteland, provided it doesn't happen too quickly.
The worst part is that I actually don't feel guilty. I don't really feel anything... I just want to be accepted by other people and have the things they have so I can fit in and not feel embarrassed because the people around me are better off. That is literally all that I care about-- the only thing I really want more than anything else in the world is to be accepted by other people. I don't even know why... I think because it feels good. But I know it's the wrong way to be... so I guess I am weak.
I think in order to be good, not only would I have to make enormous sacrifices, I would also have to somehow reverse all of the damage that I have already caused. And when you consider how much easier it is to destroy than create, it would probably take several lifetimes to do it. I would have to go out and actively save things. I would have to spend pretty much every waking moment trying to help the non-human world get back to where it was before I started to help wrecking it.
It's so much easier to just do what everyone else is doing and buy into the bullshit that suggests that MORE of it is going to help with anything. Distracting yourself with novelty after novelty is NOT the best way to live, no matter how much 'this is new and exciting', 'seize the day', 'what an experience', 'it's convenient', 'places to see/things to do before you die' bullshit is being thrown around by just about everyone. It's all just consumer culture... both experiences AND things. People would be better off if they just focused on their immediate realities, used their creativity, and actually tried to give things up instead of trying to get more and more things-- be they material goods or experiences or status points or whatever. But there is nothing stupider than shopping at a supermarket. Nothing less self-serving than going on vacation. Nothing more pointlessly destructive than fashion. And nothing more isolating than modern technology.
Nothing that we can do is actually worth doing anymore. Helping doesn't help... you can't get in a car or plane and travel 1000 miles to clean oil off of baby seals without supporting the oil industry. You can't gain an appreciation for nature without damaging it just by being there. There are always the selfish wastes of space that don't give a shit, of course... but yeah, even trying to be a good person in this kind of society is wrong. Having a family/supporting them isn't assuring the survival of the species anymore-- it's contributing to overpopulation. Even though people like to say that being educated means people have less children, chances are if you're educated, your children belong to a nation where consumption rates are way way way above where they should be, and you're contributing MORE to the destruction of the planet.
What really boggles my mind is that at the same time, everyone feels more special and more entitled than ever before. Somehow, with billions of destructive, selfish, evil creatures on the planet, we've come to the conclusion that human life is actually MORE precious than it used to be... so much that we shouldn't let other people starve, or that everyone deserves a happy, healthy existence... and everyone should live to be 125 years old.
But longer lives aren't making people happier, in fact it's just the opposite... people are killing themselves more often. Retirement dreams are broken promises. The health care industry is profiting, but that's about it. Meanwhile, communications technology is making people more alienated from each other... vehicles are causing pollution and all kinds of environmental havoc through the depletion of natural resources as well as the processes used to mine them... and all of our frontiers are polluted and disrespected.
I can't think of a single non-selfish positive thing about the human race. The only thing that people are good for is other people. We're evil because we think we are good and right and just. Because we follow the laws that we made up for ourselves and the universe out of ignorance. Because we believe in what we're doing, and our own right to exist... even though it's obvious it's all just happening because we can't stop ourselves. That's basically what evil is-- actions motivated by an unbridled self-interest, a complete lack of self-control, combined with a hopeless disregard for everything else... and that is us.