Tomorrow is my 35th birthday, and it's starting to be an annual tradition that I'm going to be spending it alone. For a while now, it seems like each year has been getting lonelier and lonelier.
Except for my parents, I have never been in a situation where I am leaving a place and people have said goodbye... and this has happened 7 times now. Each and every one of those experiences has either been empty or negative. I guess the fact that it happens so often probably means that I'm to blame... I seriously feel like I leave a trail of resentment wherever I go. Or maybe just indifference, because people never really get to know me.
I don't think I could take being much lonelier than this. I guess in a way the only reason I haven't killed myself or turned into a complete raving nutcase is because working with kids means that I have people to talk to and that I have some degree of social interaction in my life. It's definitely not the same thing as having friends or a relationship, but I do like the students... I wish I could appear less uncomfortable with their affections but yeah, I am pretty uncomfortable, and I've kept my distance from them for the most part.
I think at my age, I actually feel uncomfortable with the idea of making friends with someone. It's really hard not to feel jaded, or like they're just going to get bored or that you're going to drift apart. Not that I've had many opportunities to make friends, just that yeah... it's not the same as it used to be, and the irony is that I feel like it's probably easier to make friends here where people don't have as much choice than it is to make friends back home.
When I lived in New Zealand, practically everyone I met kept their distance. I was either an in-school only friend or they found someone that they liked better and stopped talking to me. Everyone else seemed to either instantly despise me, keep their distance, or I guess I just wasn't getting what I was supposed to do to make people like me.
I've always sort of been a bottom-feeder socially, picking up the scraps and ending up with other bottom-feeders or awkward neurotics like me. The thing about the bottom feeders is that they haven't changed much since high school-- they hate themselves for being at the bottom and they only keep each other company because they need each other... remove that need and they probably wouldn't be friends. It's a sad, dark place at the bottom... but the thing is, I'm not entirely sure I don't belong there.
Even saying these things-- as honest as they may be, they're also nasty. They're cold. They're ugly. I think they're true but there are certain things about people that most don't want to face, and facing anything but 'most humans are such wonderful creatures and deserve to be happy' can make a lot of people uncomfortable. Nobody wants to feel like they're at the bottom, even if they are.... I don't even want to feel like I'm at the bottom and I'm willing to privately admit to myself that that's where I am.
I guess it would be nice to try to feel something or be able to make people feel good about themselves when they're around me, but I'm not sure if I could ever do that. I do genuinely respect some people in this world, but I know that there's usually a gulf between those people and myself that is impossible to cross... they can see me on the other side and feel like maybe there's something inside me that could have led to me being on their side, but ultimately they don't have the time, the strength, or the will to help me across... and really, they shouldn't, because chances are I would drag them down. That's pretty much who I am.