Unknown Sample


^^Thanks for the links!

I've been looking into options for building and I think anything is possible... but it's really hard to know what would be possible without seeing the actual property, and it's hard to see the property when it's probably over eight hours drive from here one way (not including the plane ride).


I've just noticed another property for sale which might actually be even better. It's also on a lake... and it's bigger, but it's not so remote, because there's a small town nearby that has supermarkets and such.

The most exciting thing is that I wouldn't need a car because the lake I would own a large piece of connects to a creek that would take me to a bigger lake... and from the shore of that lake, I could easily walk to the town center. I figure the whole trip by canoe would take about an hour. In the wintertime, I could cross-country ski or snowshoe... maybe even take a snowmobile. There's also highway access... so I could get any materials delivered!

The downsides of this property are that it's a mining town, which could mean pollution... it's not at the bottom of the lake system but it's immediately to the south of the town lake. But I don't think it's polluted now.

It's also more expensive... but not a lot more expensive. It's zoned differently, though... and there's a higher tax rate... it's over 5 times as much in tax as the other one, probably because it's closer to civilization. It would also completely clean out my savings.

Maybe the whole thing is just not such a great idea... I think I would probably be a lot more into it if I wasn't going it alone. Ideally, I would find someone and we could get it together, build on it together, find a way to make it work together... but doing all of that on my own is going to be so much work... not that it wouldn't be worth it, but it would be so much better if I knew someone who would be into this.

$600/year is nothing considering there wouldn't be any tax on the cabin... that's $50/month to live on a lake and have a huge piece of land just outside of a town.


Well-known member
This sounds lovely. In another life I would be interested in getting in on something like this. How are you planning to sustain yourself? Farming? Livestock? Hunting?


This sounds lovely. In another life I would be interested in getting in on something like this. How are you planning to sustain yourself? Farming? Livestock? Hunting?

I would plan on building an underground greenhouse and probably having some chickens. There's fish in the lake and hunting as well... and Lake Nipigon is an hour away, which is huge for fishing.

There's also electric power here... it's not set up, but it's possible. I would like to get away from that eventually, though... I don't think I would become fully self-sufficient for a while. I'm not even sure if I'm serious about it, but I would be if others were interested.

There is more than enough land here for two partners to build on the shore. The land for sale is 88 acres and it's a perfect rectangle, so splitting it two ways wouldn't be hard... just cut a line through the middle and one partner gets the east and the other gets the west... and it's all good land with trees. Some of that 88 acres is the lake, though.

It would be so much more affordable to share the tax/cost... and also food and supplies. And we could help each other with our houses and figure out what works and what doesn't... and we could grow different crops in our greenhouses and learn different skills and help each other out with the things we couldn't do or food we didn't grow. I think it would be amazing.

The fact that I don't know anyone who would go in on this with me right now is the biggest obstacle... but yeah, with HST included, $27k and just under $300/year would get you 44 acres and your share of a lake (which is connected to other bigger lakes throughout all of Northern Ontario, and which you could spend weeks exploring by canoe).
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Woops... on the southern shore of the lake, there's an old gold and copper mine... which pretty much means the lake is poison.


I'm slowly growing convinced that there's going to be another market crash in 2014.

I don't know how severe it's going to be, but it's definitely going to happen... we're almost certainly in a bubble right now... I've made wayyyy too much on my investments lately... and everything is too expensive.

I'm thinking about selling off all of my investments right now, and then getting back in when the whole thing bottoms out... I'll have to pay tax, but yeah-- I'll get back in when everything is cheap. We're still not at the panic point, but I think we're getting there... maybe in a few months.

At least I still have savings not tied up in the markets.

Wow, I sure do put in a lot of ellipses when I type.


I've decided I'm going to finally finish my album... if not by the end of December, then by the end of January. It's not such a huge productive goal with a big return, but listening to the songs again I think they're good and I like the concept.

I've sort of lost confidence in my singing and playing over the past little while so I haven't been able to finish it... but I've had the songs since 2011-- some of them I think I've had since 2010... but they all sounded really different then. I used to write songs all the time but in the past year or so I don't even know if I've written any. Maybe it has been more than a year.


I apparently have over 4000 views on my journal... I don't think they're all me compulsively checking to make sure I didn't just humiliate myself.

No real news today... it's all the same. I hate winter and I'm getting brief periods of depression. Mostly because of the darkness and gloom. But I'm still exercising and taking my vitamins so I'm not doing as badly as I could be.


Lately I've been experiencing that phenomenon when you hear certain words and they trigger all of these painful memories which probably shouldn't be as painful as they are. And then I can't really think of anything else.

This is something that has been going on for a while, but which also gets more or less severe depending on whether I've been exercising or doing things to help myself. These words aren't used very often so when I hear them they instantly connect to all of these random moments when I felt like I did something annoying or embarrassing, and might not have felt that way at the time. Usually these words were said by me at that moment.

I'm thinking I should write these words down and maybe start repeating them to myself until they don't have the same impact, but I'm not sure if that would work or not.

The memories triggered by these words are pretty random and sometimes they're so far in the past that I probably shouldn't even consider them to be part of who I am now, but when they hit me they have all this weight and come with so much regret and anger and guilt, and I get so frustrated that I can't change them.


Aw geez I want this so bad:

Private Island for sale - Johns Lake Island, Nova Scotia, Canada East/Central

It looks super-clean and the little creeks/rivers connect it all the way to the ocean! I don't even know why it's so cheap... maybe because Nova Scotia's economy is so godawful right now? Are the taxes really high? Is the weather wretched? Would I end up stranded all winter long?

I'm wondering if it even matters... I think I could seriously retire here. I think that if I set things up right, it might even be possible to live here relatively cheaply and do the whole self-sufficiency thing. Solar is getting cheaper, and I can get Internet for sure.

But this isn't like some remote property where no one cares if you don't have a septic system and all of that, I would probably need to watch it with everything... and waste disposal would be a big one.


Well-known member
^looks awesome!

i vacationed in Nova Scotia many years ago - really beautiful there.

the winters are actually pretty mild - the warmest in canada. even though it's at the same latitude as i am, the ocean keeps it more temperate there



I've never been out there but my dad was born there and I've heard it's incredible. Still, they do get hurricanes from time to time and being that close to the ocean could be a problem.

Also, I keep hearing reports of a real estate crash in Canada so maybe I'll get lucky and prices will drop next year.


Agggh... I'm paranoid that all of these properties are old gold mines or something... it's really confusing because they change the names of the lakes and of course they don't warn you when they're trying to sell you this stuff, though I suppose the price is probably a good indication.

Reading about all of this stuff has made me realize just how awful gold mining is. Closing down the mines costs millions, and the pollution doesn't leave the water for a very long time. And this would be one thing if they were mining something that means a lot to survival, but the cyanide they dump into the ecosystems binds to the heavy metals and they stay in the water for hundreds of years... meaning the properties around the mines become worthless, and the real estate agents need to pawn them off on people who are slightly less intelligent than I am and don't look into this stuff.

I think it's disgusting how the people who are responsible for this kind of thing are the only ones rich enough to afford to live nowhere near this kind of shit. It makes me want to become a militaristic dictator and force all gold mining operators to live in their gold mines and raise their children there and drink the water forever. That would solve so many problems.

And looking at all of these properties makes me realize just how widespread this kind of thing is. The PM has deregulated all of this shit and now everyone is mindlessly repeating the mantra 'it's good for the economy, money money money' and no one is thinking about how it's not going to last forever.

I keep going over and over all of this and I can't stop being so incredibly depressed and angry about.

Maybe I'm more depressed that I can't afford to live in a non-toxic dump.

Still, it's amazing how people can justify completely ****ing up the environment for centuries over a few shiny rocks that some people decided were valuable.
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So I read this article just now:


And it got me thinking once again about the end of the world. I tend to think about it quite often, but lately it has been all-consuming... and to be honest, I'm really not sure how other people can be so okay with all of this.

I was watching Brain Games a while ago and they talked about the false sense of confidence that people have which prevents them from going completely insane over the amount of things that they don't know.

They demonstrated this by getting people to draw a bicycle. It seemed like something they would easily be able to do, but when they actually did it the vast majority of them got it wrong. These were college students, btw.

This is what I think about the end of the world. People simply think that they would know if it was going to happen. They walk around and comfort themselves by pretending that there are rules that everything must follow, and that something can't happen simply because it would be unfair. This is why they can continue living their destructive lifestyles without feeling too horrible about it.It's surprisingly easy to tell yourself that you have some special connection to things and would be able to sense if everything was in danger. But it's a lie.

I look at this site and I see endless amounts of self-absorption. The thing is, I guarantee that all of that insecurity would vanish if they didn't have the luxury of sitting around, comfortably protected from the outside world, and wallowing in it. If the people on this site actually had to take care of themselves, provide for themselves... if they were forced to live a life of total practicality and self-sufficiency, then all of their anxieties would be cured. They wouldn't be afraid of people if depending on each other was the difference between life and death. But we depend on the system, and it takes care of us, but it's also weakening us, isolating us, poisoning us, and ultimately killing us.

I told my mom today that by 2047, the coolest years will be as warm or warmer than the warmest years, and temperatures will be higher than they have ever been before. She laughed it off and said that it would be good because then our house and property would go up in value. But the problem is that the crime rate will skyrocket as the desperation spreads and society begins to break down.

At the very least, by 2040 millions of people will be dying of starvation or fighting over food. This is pretty much unavoidable at this point... temperatures are going to rise and there will be areas of the world where growing food will be impossible. Pretty much every climate study confirms this. Unless technology catches up, then there will simply be no way to meet everyone's needs. Livestock will be dying in the fields. I'm positive that it will be socially acceptable to eat insects by 2025. There won't be as much opposition to GMO foods when climate change makes it impossible to grow organic foods.

There's a chance that technology might find a way around all of this... but it all depends on whether the warming goes faster. And given that carbon-intensive fuel still hasn't been outlawed, I'm betting the warming will win that race.

This is why I'm thinking remote property might be the best way to go right now. If it's remote enough, the masses won't be able to find me. If I can plan for all of this before it's too late and while I can still afford to buy land up north, I'll end up a lot better off.

I'm thinking maybe I should just forgo the lake idea, because it seems like all affordable lakefront property, no matter how remote, is dodgy as all hell and contaminated. I could just get acres and acres in the middle of nowhere... with no road access. I think I'll be safe there, even if it will be crushingly lonely.

Maybe it's not even worth being safe in that kind of world.


I've been thinking about going on welfare for a living. My plan is to store my savings in an off-shore account somewhere, just like the rich people do, and get welfare.

The only problem is that I'm not sure if I would be allowed to own property... which means renting, which I'm not so keen on. But I wouldn't be earning any income off of my property, so I'm not sure if that would have any effect or not. But with the amount of money that welfare provides per year, I'm pretty sure I could get myself a modest off-grid setup in a small cabin with a computer and all of the basics. I could do non-profit work and volunteering for whatever I thought was worthy of my time.

At least I wouldn't be driving down salaries and destroying the value of the employee like the idiots who accept low-paying jobs or unpaid internships... paying for things with debt and pretending they're doing the right thing because of some ridiculous commitment to 'work ethic'.

I would also be another reason to raise taxes on the mega-wealthy. They'd probably gouge the middle class for a while, but since the middle class is on its way out, they would have to start gouging the rich if they wanted to keep up their reputation as a profitable market for all of the manufacturing that they've shipped overseas. Plus, I wouldn't be getting gouged by a asshole PM who wants to use my tax dollars to **** up the environment with his filthy oil sands and ring of fire chromite mines and enormous smelter to destroy the air.

It's probably going to strike some people as awful, but part of me hopes that the job market becomes so tough and so many people end up on welfare that the government is forced to clamp down and redistribute the wealth.

Seriously, the other day I was thinking about what people would even DO with a salary of over 100k, besides drive up the price of housing. I mean, my parents have a really nice house, investments galore, heaps of gadgets, and a really decent lifestyle where they travel at least twice a year... and even between them they have never made more than 75k per year. I get that inflation is a thing, but still... except for housing and child care, everything is cheaper than it used to be. An actual house SHOULD be cheaper and more efficient... but instead it's all about people living close to amenities... and not even amenities that they really need.

So why does anyone need to make more than $100k? The biggest markets in the world are the ones with a wide target market... concentrating wealth in the hands of the few isn't going to drive your economy, it's going to destroy it. Or people are paying for things with debt... which is what is happening now.

I think it would be awesome to get together a group of people, go on welfare, and then build a small community of handmade mini-houses on a single piece of property. We could create a corporation without employees... someone would have to own it, though. I guess they wouldn't get to be on welfare... but they could charge us all 'rent'. I guess this would cut into our welfare, but I think if we set it up right it would still be affordable. You can't really cut off someone's welfare because they've started up a supportive community, can you?

Oh my I am a clever one... but of course I am alone because I'm afraid to talk to people, lack confidence and manipulation skills, and everyone else would rather be a slave.
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I ordered my dad's Christmas present online on the 9th, and because they screwed up at the store, it's not going to arrive until the 30th.

I called them up and I wanted to be firm and demanding about it, but I have a really hard time being assertive in general and when I know it's just some poor person who probably makes minimum wage and has nothing to do with it. I can't stand how these arsehole managers/owners put their pawns in the line of fire... I don't want to be mean to some 23 year old girl who didn't do anything to me.

Sometimes I think that I just have issues with authority. It's kind of ironic considering I was pretending to be a teacher for the last 9 years... but I guess I was never really an authoritarian, and every time I tried it I failed miserably. I think it's probably related to my dad.

Now that I'm living at home and am not as afraid of him as I used to be, I've realized he's kind of a nasty person. He scares my mom into doing what he wants, and she accommodates him... and defends him when I criticize that kind of thing. I don't think he's an inhuman monster or anything but he has a lot of insecurities that he has never had to face or resolve, and he has an awful temper that puts everyone on edge. He used to be pretty violent with me when I was younger, but he stopped when I got bigger... I really don't want to believe it's because I became more of a physical threat, because that actually makes it worse.

Sometimes I think that this has contributed to my personality and is probably a big part of my anxiety... but on the other hand, having those years of absolute hell at home AND at school is a source of strength for me because every time I think my life is shitty, I remember those years and realize that things have been a lot worse.


I went snowshoeing today and it was an absolutely gorgeous day, and the ice made everything look brighter and prettier... and when I went out the sun was shining and the snowflakes were coming down really slowly.

It would have been a perfect day, if not for the fact that the snowshoes made an impossibly loud scraping sound on the ice.


Sounds beautiful. Regarding and earlier post, I can relate to your relationship with your dad.

I think it's a pretty common thing between fathers and sons. I still kind of hate my dad, though... and I definitely wouldn't raise my kids that way.


I've been thinking about irritating people. Nothing irritates me more than painfully selfish tools who get upset when people aren't more accepting of their ****iness. It's this sort of reflex action where they need to protect their egos and it prevents them from admitting that they've allowed themselves to become incredibly boring/annoying. They need everything to be 'fair', and don't think it's fair when people get irritated because they have to force themselves to tolerate all kinds of annoying, boring bullshit whenever they're around.

I always used to look at those people and be afraid that I was like that... which I guess isn't exactly so wonderful of me, but at the same time I think that seeing those people in that way made it harder for me to identify with them, or to feel sad when they were hurt, or to feel any kind of empathy at all.

I really do think it is possible for some people to be so completely socially inept that they become almost subhuman and are beyond the reach of anyone's empathy. There are people who will always try to do the right thing but even they lose patience, or eloquently manage to distance themselves.

I think that people can probably more easily identify with cruelty than failure, or that sort of grating but benign intensity, or people who are like ghosts. Cruelty can be exciting, however horrifying... because it implies power. But there is nothing exciting, or interesting, or engaging about someone who isn't even really there, or who for whatever reason provokes all kinds of rage and anger from everyone around them.

Some people are there and struggling to get out... with that you can usually tell-- but I also think that there are people who are truly not even there... they've never actually learned how to be a person. Nothing really goes in, and nothing that could ever be of value to anyone ever comes out. They have no style, horrible taste in everything, no interesting thoughts, no desire to improve... they're just there, taking up space. They don't know why, and they don't ask themselves why. It never occurs to them that there should be a reason to exist.

Well, maybe no one is actually that extreme. But I often wonder if this is a new phenomenon, or if people are just choosier overall... and more likely to reject people in general.
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