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Why was the word s o c i a l i s m just censored out of my post??!
Or rather, I guess it was o c i a l i s !
Why was the word s o c i a l i s m just censored out of my post??!
It's weird how the term liberal has different meanings. Where I live, liberal is very rightwing and I guess in the US it's not. But It could be because the whole political landscape is more to the left where I live. So******m here is only slightly to the left of the center, whereas in the US (and perhaps Canada) so******m is considered far left.
^ We do what we have to in order to survive.I really really really ****ing hate English Corner.
2 hours of me sitting there talking to a small handful of students, some of which can barely speak any English, is seriously agony.
Tonight I swore I wasn't going to repeat last week when I was seriously nervous as hell because I didn't know what to say a lot of the time, or was worried because there was laughter coming from other tables but not mine. It's seriously the worst when you feel like everyone else is being funny and sociable and you're this horrible nervous wreck who can't make anyone laugh.
So I did up a powerpoint and found another old one in case I had time left over... 2 hours is an extremely long period of time, after all. I brought in my laptop and showed them the PPTs... and I made it through the whole thing and there was more student talking time than probably at any other table, even though it meant less laughter. Still, I feel like I'm on the verge of coming in last place in a popularity contest.
Anyways, I have also started noticing patterns in my behavior that probably make me come off as really weak. I seriously said 'please' to a student who wouldn't go to the front of the classroom to make a speech... which I guess is being 'nice', but I think came off as weak. I do all kinds of things to sabotage myself and make myself appear weaker, less secure, and less confident than I actually am. People react to them as well.. they never say anything, but the sense of me being a weak person is there. It's probably a big part of why I've spent so many years alone, why I'm overseas instead of back home with a real life and a real job and a family. I really do want to believe that I've lived the life I've lived because of it's positive qualities, but I would say that the truth is probably more that I'm here because it was one of the easiest things I could do and even though I'm doing things that other people think would make them happy, I'm not completely sure that it's making me happy. But then, who even knows if I would be happy back home and married and all of that... but yes, I feel like in many ways I've been sabotaging myself from a very early age.
^ I have done some research into China's so called "Ghost Cities" out of personal curiosity. It is quite sad really.I swear that ever since I cut down on processed sugars I've been feeling a lot more depressed-- I don't think it's withdrawal necessarily, maybe it's just the shock that caused along with all the other shocks of living in a foreign culture and yes, no longer being in a relationship.
I honestly thought that China would be a country where I could get a lot of things, but it's not. From the way I kept hearing that it was one of the world's biggest economies and the fact that there's actually a Walmart in the smaller city (and several Walmarts in the big city), I was expecting there to be all kinds of innovative products and things from the future that would be available relatively cheap... if not everywhere, then at least available in the major centers-- but it's not like that at all.
I'm seriously starting to think that they just make things, then ship them away because very few people in China have enough money to buy them. Maybe in Beijing they have these things, I don't know. They're currently building a huge shopping complex with big neon lights just a little down the road from here, but it's completely empty and it's just sitting there in the middle of nowhere, amidst all the poverty, having no reason to exist other than its construction is keeping the economy growing. I can only imagine that the huge empty-looking apartment complexes just outside the town serve a similar purpose.
It's when I see shit like this that I realize China is in serious trouble and that the bubble is going to pop any day now. It's like this messed up need to grow that has almost no limitations and the end game is not to improve anything or try to succeed at anything or even to cater to any particular market... just to make sure that people think China is actually doing well. This must be why so many people here are convinced that China isn't the huge threat to US dominance that some people think it is. There are definitely people striking it rich here, but yeah... there's no future that I can see. They're just wrecking everything for short-term gain.
I went to a hospital in a city of 7 million people and it was run down and dirty. The nurse didn't use gloves when she drew my blood. The elevators smelled horrible and the bathrooms were seriously like construction site outhouses. I REALLY hope that I don't get any major illnesses when I'm here.
The internet is absolutely HORRIBLE. There is so much censorship that half of the time you can't even connect to websites. Sometimes I can't even connect to this one. They block youtube, google, facebook, all porn sites... and I can't get anything requiring captcha to work either. They say it's about cracking down on political/immoral activities, but it's mostly because they want to give their local businesses monopolies.
Then you see really weird shit like an antique roadster just sitting on the sidewalk beside the canal that moves the absolutely VILE river water through the city. The headlights were smashed the thing was filled with garbage... and it could have been a replica, but sufficed to say you don't see cars like that on the road anymore. I would imagine getting parts for an old foreign car in China would be extremely difficult, considering it's difficult to get a lot of things here.
I forgot to mention-hash is amazing! A friend left a bunch of it at my place a while ago and because I lived in the middle of no where at the time, he never came back for it. That was a blessing!
I want some mushroomsssss haha
So my latest obsession is with my gums, which have receded... probably due to a combination of gum disease, brushing too hard and grinding my teeth. It's not hideously ugly or anything, but I think it's noticeable and I can't stop looking at it and I can't stop thinking about it.
I don't even know why this concern just cropped up in the past few days... I mean, it must have been happening for a while now and I've had sensitive teeth for years because of recession from grinding and such. I guess I just never really paid much attention to it. It could be because of the lighting in my new mirror or because my new diet has helped make them healthier so they aren't as swollen.
Anyways, in my mind it's combining with my hair loss, the indestructible fat around my midsection, the lines around my eyes, my vision in general, and yes, the fact that I'm single again to make me feel really depressed.
I guess I just feel that as time goes on it's all going to get worse-- I'm going to lose all of my hair, my gums are going to recede until I have hideous teeth, I'm going to lose more and more of my vision (I seriously think that if it continues like this, I could easily go blind within 10 years) it's going to be harder and harder to stay in shape, I'm going to look more and more pathetic to potential partners... and yes, there's the fact that such things remind me of death and how I've already peaked as a human being and will now continue to decline for god knows how long. I still think I look young for my age and the exercise helps sometimes, but yeah... time is marching on and if I am going to have a family then I should probably start soon.
I know that finding someone isn't always about looks... but I guess I'm also doubting that there's many attractive things about my personality as well. The way I've been received in China is making me seriously doubt myself... I feel like I'm always falling flat with people and not being as charming or as funny or as exciting as they seem to think I should be... and my shyness makes it hard as always. Even when the girls stare at me in a sort of interested way, I feel like they're going to notice something about me eventually that will turn them off. I just can't find my confidence or relax around anyone, and I still feel like talking to people is still a chore.
I went out for drinks with some of the people I work with the other night and god it was boring. One of my co-workers seriously just goes on and on... he talks about his home country, the politics there, issues he has with the local industry and the local policies. I suppose I just find it really boring when someone has a lot of information about a topic I'm only marginally interested in, and does nothing to connect it back to anything I can really relate to. He dominates practically every conversation. I sat there growing more and more frustrated, desperate to leave... but of course I couldn't.
So today I've been hiding in my room all day, feeling sluggish and weak. I went running last night and could barely even make 3 laps of the 400 m track jogging... I ran a fourth one but it felt horrible and my legs were really sore afterwards... I guess I did a pretty sweaty workout beforehand though. Still, I felt absolutely pathetic-- and you can't just jog there without everyone watching you. There are always students around. Always!
I wish I could stay here all day, but I need to go out and buy food so I don't have to go to the cafeteria.
I often obsess over my teeth and gums too. Which is why I HATE showing teeth in pictures. I can absolutely relate to what you're going through. I feel like my teeth are getting thinner. And that despite years of torture with adult braces, they're still crooked.
I actually relate to everything you posted. About your hair thinning, lines around your eyes, everything. And especially the wanting to start a family soon.
I think it's great that you're exercising. Even though it is torture.
If you don't want to go out, maybe there is something you can try in your room? I'm supposed to be going to the gym everyday... But I think it's more mentally taxing than it is physically. So I do stuff at home to work out too.
Your colleague sounds difficult. On that aspect, I'd probably avoi him. Some people just love the sound of their own voice.
Hopefully grocery shopping will serve as a distraction... And allow you some kind of reprieve from the monotony of daily life.
Yes, I do workouts in my room like pushups and burpees and squats and crunches... but I like running outside and the track is made of a material that's good for running on. It really isn't so bad if I have a good day... it's when I have a bad day and can only do about 3 or 4 laps that I feel bad.
I guess that's an example of first world problems. I would never join a gym-- I think there's one on campus, but I think they're kind of disgusting in general and a waste of money. You don't need a lot of equipment to stay in shape, really... well, maybe some weights or something if you want to really go for it.
Yes, the aging thing isn't fun... yesterday I was talking about it with my friend and he said his dad actually told him the worst was when your testicles grow longer! I have to admit that sounds disgusting but in the meantime I'm more concerned with the more visible signs of aging.
Maybe if I was in a long-term committed relationship I wouldn't care, but yeah... as soon as you're single again you lose that sense of knowing that the other person might not find your aging sexy but at least they will probably accept it. Still, it's not like other people are as perfect as I sometimes make them out to be either.
Part of me thinks I should definitely have kids... that I would really be missing out if I didn't do it. Sometimes I seriously think that having/raising a child would be more satisfying than anything else I could ever do... and with all of my experience with kids of all ages, I think I could also be pretty good at it. On the other hand I'm worried about letting them down or not doing enough/being good enough for them... and money is a big issue as well.