Well, my plan to avoid her didn't last long.
So yeah, I'm totally attached, and not in a good way-- the more she avoids me, the more I feel like I need her. I think this might have something to do with our respective attachment styles... I'm more anxious/needy and she's more distant, I think.
I keep wondering if the beginning of our relationship where she was bombarding me with gifts and insisting on paying for everything was some sort of manipulation tactic... she had always planned on withdrawing so I would end up craving what she had set up in the beginning. I guess this is something that narcissists do? But she didn't seem to be a narcissist... not at all.
Just to be clear again, this isn't a situation where she is telling me to get on with my life and I'm just not hearing her. I'm not deluded, just stupid and incapable of self-control. I think that if I were reading this, I would think that maybe it was one of those 'come on, you're being a creep' situations... but it's not. It's something that is far more bizarre, complicated by language and culture barriers.
Since the last time, when I honestly thought I would have broken up with her for good, she has promised to contact me more, and has potentially agreed to meet me again because she 'doesn't want to disappoint me'. That's not exactly a good reason to agree to meet someone, though... is it? It sounds like she doesn't actually WANT to see me, but understands it's important to me, so she'll do it because... she cares??? A few months ago she would bombard me with text messages when my train was pulling into the station because she could hardly contain her excitement, now she can just barely fit me into her schedule.
Of course, she was a lot less busy at that time... and of course, she still has to hide me from her family, because she hasn't told anyone. I think if she told anyone she was dating a foreigner, she would probably lose a lot of potential suitors... and there is so much pressure on her to get married now that she's 28... so arranged/forced marriage isn't out of the question. Her mother has been taking her to dances. Also, Chinese guys are incredibly racist... if they knew that I had slept with her, they would probably be disgusted... and word would get around. It makes sense that she wouldn't want to tell her family until I had firmly committed, and I haven't been able to do that. So yeah, it can't be easy. I think even the fact that she isn't a virgin would be a black mark against her in the eyes of Chinese men.
Still, it means I'm like an obligation, something she's juggling alongside everything else. I don't even know what to make of that... I guess that duty is a big thing here, because it's a collectivist as opposed to individualist culture, so I can't even write off the idea that this is simply how certain Chinese people approach relationships. Maybe she thinks I'm going to appreciate the fact that she feels obligated to see me. Still, it doesn't make me feel wanted.... but I suppose the giddiness was always going to wear off, especially now that she's living at home and the pressure to get married is enormous.
I honestly have no idea what a Chinese workweek is like... so I have no idea what it is like for her right now. I know this is a pretty big career shift for her, and she is also balancing two different jobs as well as having returned to living at home after a year of studying in a different city. She is also supporting her parents financially.
She has assured me that her being unavailable is only short term, but my friends tell me it sounds like she simply wants to get married and might have someone else, but wants to keep me around 'just in case'. I wish I could just ASK her what's going on and she would be honest with me or tell me something that I could believe, but it's not going to happen... so I end up going online, looking at relationship advice sites and wondering WTF is going on.
AGAIN, I want to believe her, but AGAIN I have to wonder if she is just delaying the inevitable brush off. She has AGAIN told me that the big issue is that she doesn't feel 'secure' about our future, but then asked me a series of questions in that department and seemed to be happy with my answers. I don't think it's even possible to reassure her enough to make her feel secure. She won't feel secure until we're officially married. Not even getting her pregnant would be enough-- she still suspects I would leave her alone with my unborn child and go back to Canada. HOW could I even still be with someone who thinks so little of me? I don't even know. Because I guess I feel like she's a sweet person who simply needs to learn how to believe in herself more.
There is also this pervasive sense that she doesn't think she's good enough for me. She's afraid of being judged by my friends, so she doesn't want to meet them. She keeps saying she's poor, not beautiful, not well-educated... and in some ways, I don't think she can actually conceive of a world in which I would be capable of committing to her long-term. She actually wanted to tattoo her name over my heart in December because she thought it would prevent me from cheating... like, she was actually really into it. But she backed off when I was unable to commit to it... after a few weeks of dating. And not intense dating-- I mean, like 3 or 4 dates.
So I guess some of you are probably wondering why I am putting myself through so much shit... or maybe these entries have gotten really grating ever since I started obsessing over this girl and everyone is just ignoring them.
Well... part of it is probably the sex, which is actually pretty satisfying. She makes me feel like a superstar. This culture really fetishizes otherness in complicated ways. I mean, she totally loses control. I don't want to sound like I'm boasting here, but it's a REALLY good feeling, and it inspires me to push it further. There is so much going on-- like class differences, culture differences, otherness, etc... it's pretty alluring. I've read somewhere that a lot of people are attracted to ciphers or 'blank slates', because it means they can project anything they want onto them, thereby making them the 'perfect mates'. That is definitely a factor here, I think.
Part of it is definitely the isolation of living in the countryside with few options. Part of it is probably my age, lack of relationship experience, and the fact that I actually glimpsed the prospect of kids and marriage and a normal life for a few brief moments. I was attracted to the idea, even though I am sure it would probably be a HUGE mistake. I suppose I tell myself that kids are always going to be a rewarding experience, and that going through something like that will inspire me to be a better person, and I will rise to the challenge and end up doing a good job of it.
And I can't imagine a 'normal' person ever wanting me... not when I'm two years away from 40 without ever having had a single normal relationship, hopelessly immature and clueless about life... and anxiety issues to boot. She noticed my issues but didn't seem to care, I guess because she was so focused on my caucasian features and the prospect of a better life in a different country. But then, by saying that, maybe I'm letting my cynicism blind me to something that has more depth than I realize.
It's weird, after my last relationship 'ended', I at least had some degree of confidence in myself because I had a real relationship 'under my belt' and was still in touch with my ex and on terms that at least made me think I wasn't a complete ****up. This relationship has been the opposite. I don't feel like a normal human being capable of maintaining a decent relationship, I feel like a loser, chasing someone who I should know is wrong for me, and all out of neediness, fear and lust. There is almost nothing admirable or noble currently holding us together, and yet I continue to participate in the relationship. BUT then I also have moments where I get the 'warm fuzzies' and it makes me doubt everything... on top of all the other confusing barriers between us that make me doubt everything.
Maybe I wouldn't be so attached to this girl if I actually felt attractive, or like I had a chance with someone else... simply because the hassle is so enormous and what I'm getting out of it doesn't justify it. I keep going over it in my head that I'm not perfect, that we all have our flaws... but this isn't about being with a homely girl with a good personality, it's someone wants to keep me hanging on while giving me only the barest minimum of indications that she wants to continue being in a relationship with me. I don't even know if I want much more than sex from her... I'm actually really confused about it all, and usually that's a bad sign.
Yep, I'm pretty hopeless... there's not much more to do except wait for the end of it all, the moment where one of us finally finds the strength to end it, or something happens that finally helps me to move on. It happened in my last relationship and, painful as it was, it was also a big relief to have that sort of clear and definite break... maybe it will happen here too. If I find out that she has been cheating or something-- that would do it.