Gunman, that's exactly why I didn't go for higher degrees - they can be more of a hinderance unless you're working where your employer actually wants you to take the course or might be even paying for it...
Do any zoos over there have any openings? Maybe she could start at a different position and 'progress from there'? It sounds very interesting what she's done, maybe she could start a blog or write articles about this too? Or you guys could move to Africa (where it's cheaper?

People have gotten jobs by just omitting higher education from CVs though, just sayin'...
OP and others, you can get experience by volunteering etc, also put everything on CV you've been doing (even talking here on forums can count as 'social networking' or 'international communication', no?) Lots of tips about interviews and such online too...
There are tips about career 'gaps' too, some people have had even bigger gaps and still found jobs!!
(It's just about presenting the skills and history, and finding someone who 'clicks' and needs your exact skills & potential!)
There's a blog online that says, 'You don't need a job, you need guts' - And Barbara Sher would probably say, 'You don't need guts, you need backup' (a support team)
Some people have found success in self-employment or starting a biz or such... It's not easy, it has been done though...
Where I live there are quite some private micro businesses/family firms that offer accounting servises etc.
I've sometimes felt unemployable too - haven't found a job worth keeping yet!!
So I thought about 'creating my own' too... to start a biz/NGO or both... it's not so easy though lol... still, if others have done it hmm...?
It's possible to minimize costs of living A LOT - I've done that, LOTS of tips online or in books... lol about the zombie apocalypse...
In the old days, very few people had 'real jobs' and they survived anyway... Things like gardening/growing own food can come helpful... you can't EAT money, right?
So, while you're at home, you can learn new helpful skills, experiment with what you might like to do, or start 'side businesses' or such...?
It used to be a LUXURY to have this much free time!!
It's sad the older generation can be 'unsupportive', they've just grown up in very different times from ours!! (Though Granny said in her time sometimes it hadn't been so easy to find a job either!)
Maybe they just need a 'pep' talk about life & environmental/economical crisis and such? (Or to minimize contact/switch to other subjects? Gunman, does her Dad NEEd to know where she works, or could it be kept vague? She could also be doing 'anthropological studies' of people/2-legged primates in shops, hm? And maybe even write a book about it? A famous author worked in the US different jobs for minimal wage undercover and wrote a book about it!! It got quite known, the book!)