Unemployable with No Job Prospects :(


I feel unemployable after almost exactly TWO YEARS of searching for a full time job with nothing. Only scattered temp work during this period which didn't end well.

I have a BA in Accounting, MS in Finance and progressing toward CPA and feel totally unemployable.

Meanwhile, severe and massive depression & anxiety has taken over my life. I have no motivation to do anything and I always feel pissed off, agitated and angry. I try to act happy & smile at an interview but just told they went with someone stronger

Sorry if I repeat; I'm sure everyone's grabbed onto your initial note

This really strikes a chord for me. There was two years after my first severe epilepsy shock, in 2005, when I was in hospital for a few months, but able to recover. The strangest bit was that I was a part of a brand new startup company about telecomms supply. We did fail. Into administration. Not my fault, and the failure didn't cause the company's failure to trigger my attack. I only knew about it later.

There was a day at work when the amiable accountant visited, and we popped out for lunch at a pub. I was a mess. Hard speaking, and walking. I had a coke - no beer or food. I was scared with migraine which was weird. My first ever proper eppy attack. She helped me but noticed my odd behaviour. I made it home by car. LUCK. I knew something was wrong. I called a friend and got him to call my boss the next day to say I wouldn't be in. After recovery, I found some paperwork about the company's dissolution; I got good money out of it, and I know it wasn't my fault. It was written.

It's affected my employment ever since, but I get lucky bits. I got 2 years solid timeout after that, clutching at straws. Sometimes extremely stressful periods with prospects up&downs, losing, and even winning at interviews, knocks we sideways and back in hospital. Always recovering and back to normal.

I'm now fit, and chasing dreams, but my last work was eleven months ago.

Jobs not ending well is how my life goes, hand-in-hand with girltime which doesn't end well. By doing temp stuff makes perm employers ignore me - that is childish. Temping over so many different markets brings a wealth of experience, which a perm employer can benefit from me. I chase perm roles too. That's brave & not hopeful
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New member
Well i graduated in 2006 and still havent found a career yet, rendering my qualification a complete waste of time and money. I think thats partly down to consistently fluffing in interviews, but in the end i had to get a job so took a job in a video store. I carried on trying to get a job with my qualification but the longer it takes the harder it is to get a good job. After a few years out of university and still working in retail no employer wanted to touch someone in their mid 20's working in a video rental store and with no relevant experience. Its now 6 years on from university and im working as a janitor. My advice to you is to keep trying, and try everything you can to get a good job in a career you want, the sooner the better, and please dont turn out like me.


Well-known member
Well i graduated in 2006 and still havent found a career yet, rendering my qualification a complete waste of time and money. I think thats partly down to consistently fluffing in interviews, but in the end i had to get a job so took a job in a video store. I carried on trying to get a job with my qualification but the longer it takes the harder it is to get a good job. After a few years out of university and still working in retail no employer wanted to touch someone in their mid 20's working in a video rental store and with no relevant experience. Its now 6 years on from university and im working as a janitor. My advice to you is to keep trying, and try everything you can to get a good job in a career you want, the sooner the better, and please dont turn out like me.

It sucks that people simply wont give people like us a chance to do a job when they see our age or experience. I understand the reasoning, not hiring someone with no experience, but how are we supposed to get experience if no one will hire us?

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Same here, I'm injured, in debt, been unemployed for about a year and a half now (Besides the Army reserves and that isn't much to live on; which is about 200 something dollars a month if I have drill.) I finally got an interview a few weeks ago and despite my fear of phones, I am desperate enough to get over it and call back.. I think I didn't get the job because of my injuries that I can't afford to get treated. When I go to drill in August I fear things are going to go south in a hurry. They punished me for not being able to afford a haircut last month, they actually told me that I wasn't doing enough to get my medical situation fixed. They told me to go to a free clinic that is pretty far away and by no means free.. I have to bounce a check just to get petrol to get to drill (Which isn't exactly legal). The house I live in is falling apart around us and the majority of the time we have no food in the house. I have no options left and I'm a burden to my parents as they aren't able to get by and add me to that. At this point I can either remain a burden and a waste of life or just die already. I have no certifications (IE: A piece of paper saying I'm able to do something) or job skills.. I can do two things, fight as I was trained; which isn't really useful in the civilian sector or work on computers whch I need that piece of paper saying I'm able to do something I can already do now and that still isn't a guaruntee that I'll get a job. In any case, the work I do now for basically nothing (Reserves) is likely coming to an end soon; they are going to ask if I went to the clinic and got my medical stuff fixed.. I am unable to do so because a very negative bank balance stops that. They will order me to do stuff I physically cannot and I will have to refuse their 'order'. I'm pretty much done in any case. I have medical documents that show my injuries but that isn't good enough for them. Anyway, I'm just another here that is among the perpetually unemployed. Oh yeah, I even tried contacting the VA homeless services and that didn't yield any results at all!


Well-known member
World is so weird. I experienced the same thing, since dropped out from college, I tried to apply, but all naught! Then I became an unemployed for almost two years. I'm so tired!

I decided to change schools and live in a new environment, I think this is my chance to improve my life, all of a suddenly! And finally I made a determination that is very hard to reach, after graduation, I will apply a scholarship to Japan! I know it's hard, but I think my life is very boring, all flat and walked away, I'm very bored with my life! So I made ​​a decision that makes me not bored anymore.

Before planning to apply for a scholarship, I didn't even know what I would do if I have graduated, searching some works!? Oh no~ I'm tired, and it's boring.

When I hate school, I wanted to get a job. When I started back to the spirit of achievement, I'm tired of having to work!