U.S> needs to pass medical prostitution

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Whether or not you do it for guys with SA is not the point to me. I happen to support the legalization and regulation of prostitution anyhow. It just makes sense. Its going to be there legal or not. If its legal it can be regulated, allowing law enforcement to protect women from any abuse from their employers and also to make sure that the women are tested regularly to make sure it is safe from STDs. I guess its a European attitude on my part but it just seems logical to me.

I completely agree with this. Not that I condone prostitution but it's not my choice either. I'd rather it be made legal and safe instead of dirty and secretive, that is how STD's and most AIDS begin. The OP's argument is thin and falls completely flat though, that's a terrible excuse. To use the term medically is just for your own benefit to justify your reasoning. Not to bring religion into this either but the fact that your screen name is Jesushassomeoneforme, makes me wonder where you think prostitution is an option. If you've read the bible you'd know that it's a sin to sell your body. Just pointing out a fact of course.


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I wasn't necessarily saying I would use it. Alcohol is legal though, doesn't mean you have to abuse it.

I'm a virgin and I wouldn't want to pay for my first time. If someone here has I mean no offense. Its just personal taste. I don't think less of anyone if they didn't/don't feel their first time has to be special.


I certainly see the OP's point. Some people are just simply too socially akward or whatever to ever have "legitimate" sex.

I think that for me, if I could go and see a prostitute and it was legal and she didnt have disease then I would probably do it. I can imagine that my self confidence would increase greatly because I would no longer be a 23 year old virgin...lol

Yeah you would no longer be a virgin, but you would still have the problem of having a relationship with a normal woman that's not being paid. I personally think that it would make problems worse and make wallets lighter lol.

PS. I'm an older virgin than you so I win...I think.
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There are good reasons to legalize it, I agree. Seems to work where it's legal in Nevada. Medical use for frustrated virgins, however, is not a reason. Ridiculous arguments for a cause can only hurt the cause.

I agree. I'm not rubbishing the idea of the legalisation of prostitution itself. There is such a high level of prostitution, and I believe that while it's wrong, it has been and always will be there, so legalisation and regulation of the area would be beneficial. Medical use for other people is not a legitimate reason however.

This is such a random thread lol :D


Well-known member
Pass medical prostitution for people who are too sick mentally/can't get a romantic relationship.
Wrong reasoning.
Because you said "for people who can't get a romantic relationship", and having sex with a prostitute has nothing to do with romantic relationships, so your reasoning is wrong. Prostitutes won't give you any true romance. You are trying to fix a problem with the wrong solution.
If what you really need is a romantic relationship, then you won't be able to buy one, sorry.
If what you really need is sex, then masturbation has always been the solution, and it's free. No government will ever give you prostitutes, because "needing sex" is not a disease.


Well-known member
MY point is is that there are people who cannot get a romantic relationship without Jesus intervening. I do believe Jesus has someone for me. I know of a man who is physically paralized. He cannot get a regular girlfriend. THere are people that like me who cannot go to a social and mingle successfully. So we need a prostitute to get us going and gain confidence. You need to start somewhere.


Well-known member
MY point is is that there are people who cannot get a romantic relationship without Jesus intervening. I do believe Jesus has someone for me. I know of a man who is physically paralized. He cannot get a regular girlfriend. THere are people that like me who cannot go to a social and mingle successfully. So we need a prostitute to get us going and gain confidence. You need to start somewhere.

I like how you refer to Jesus and using a prostitute in the same paragraph ;)
Whether or not you do it for guys with SA is not the point to me. I happen to support the legalization and regulation of prostitution anyhow. It just makes sense. Its going to be there legal or not. If its legal it can be regulated, allowing law enforcement to protect women from any abuse from their employers and also to make sure that the women are tested regularly to make sure it is safe from STDs. I guess its a European attitude on my part but it just seems logical to me.

Yeah, I feel the same. Legalize it.


Well-known member
At the end of the day you are still going to be lonely because using the services of a prostitute may satisfy a person's sexual urges but it won't satisfy a person's need for emotional closeness. That in my opinion is much higher on my list of priorities.


Well-known member
lol.. North Carolina aint no province I ever heard of

It was just a jab at the fact that he said that he couldn't bring himself to pay for something other people experience for free, and we have to pay for health care here in US while Canada does not.


Well-known member
Prostitution is about selling one's body, correct? People sell their bodies to live in other ways too. Lawyers sell their legal services, doctors provide their med methods, and I offer my abilities to companies who want Graphics Design. Here is one side of the coin.

If I teach my little girl Photoshop, and she decides she wants to follow in Dad's footsteps, I will be proud of her. This is the other side of that coin, people... my child's life!

Why wouldn't I be proud of her for being the best "porno star sans the camera" she could be?? Because unlike being a desk jockey, there is nothing noble or promising about being abused or defiled in arguably the worst way you could ever be!! The internet is filled with pornography that depicts events that happen in the everyday lives of prostitutes--the same who you would be patronizing if such a law were passed. Go look at it! Then come back & talk to me about making "okay" something that can never really be such, no matter how "clean" you try to make it.

PS: Here's one a those Jeezie parables for ya: "There was once a man who never said the word impossible. Someone told him to go make some dirt clean. The man said fine and went to get some dirt to make it clean. You know what happened? The man got dirty.;)

PS: I'm not saying that you, yourself, would choke, slap or skullmonkey anyone you paid to hump. You might love that strange person as lovingly as the river runs through it. That said, YOU aren't why I would be afraid for my daughters, if prostitution was ever a viable career choice in this world.


Well-known member
I really think it would be a bad idea with medical prositution. First no Government would never pass such a legislation. Society would never accept that. Second there are probably lets call them happy hookers who likes their job but really really a lot of them are women who lives like slaves. How should it be checked that they are doing it with their free will? Third the person would only get his or hers physical needs met not the emotional. Forth, it would never cure the reason why he or she has problems.

But I know that for mentally handicapped in Denmark, they sometimes use prostitutes, it is not something that is official but they do make use of it. They have to pay themselves of course.


Well-known member
Unbelievable maddude! That's my point too. They "use" prostitutes. These prostitutes are people, not slaves. Good addition, mate!


sex is necessary for health and survival. Biologically speaking too.

The women and ignorant men can say otherwise, but they haven't experienced what it is to be truly lonely as a man at least.


Islam says Sex is Good for You

Don't pay attention to the islamic refereences (if u wish). It sounds accurate to me.

Basically.. the only way a man can probably be healthy being celibate is by becoming a monk who learns the art of sexual sublimation, IF it is even possible.

If not, then medically there is a lot to say about the complications a man would run into by becoming celibate, and not being able to find a mate. At the very least by semen retention...
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