U.S> needs to pass medical prostitution

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Well-known member
Pass medical prostitution for people who are too sick mentally/can't get a romantic relationship. For ex: man who can't get a date with someone he finds attractive would be qualified for sex with prostitute. Social anxiety,anxiety,etc. sufferers.


Not saying that a law like that shouldn't be passed but I doubt I'll ever try that. I'd rather be abstinent than pay for sex.
So just because a man has social anxiety and can't find a woman willing to have mutually pleasurable, willing sex with him, that means it's ok to professionally sell her body for that man to just use as a vessel for him to have sex?
I understand that my point isn't completely relevant seeing as there is such a high level of illegal prostitution going on, so you could just find it illegally very easily, but legalising something like that just so that lonely guys can feel better about hiring a woman to use for their gratification is just bizarre.
Any money which would go towards the process of legalising prostitution would be infinitely well better spend on improved mental health services, so that people could actually have a better chance at recovering from anxiety rather than employing prostitutes for them.


Well-known member
Oh yes, indeed, because everyone is entitled to my money for anything they wish to do with it.


I think that would completely destroy any self confidence I have left. I can't bring myself to pay for something others experience for free.


Well-known member
I certainly see the OP's point. Some people are just simply too socially akward or whatever to ever have "legitimate" sex.

I think that for me, if I could go and see a prostitute and it was legal and she didnt have disease then I would probably do it. I can imagine that my self confidence would increase greatly because I would no longer be a 23 year old virgin...lol
Given that the poster of the thread is the same guy who talks about Jesus giving him a woman, it's obviously a troll... but a funny one.

It'd be infinitely more useful to pass medical friends legislation. Every person who can't make friends on their own should get a few people paid by the government be friends with them. They'll do whatever activities or inactivities you like, come and go when you tell them, and regularly tell you how much they like you.


Well-known member
Whether or not you do it for guys with SA is not the point to me. I happen to support the legalization and regulation of prostitution anyhow. It just makes sense. Its going to be there legal or not. If its legal it can be regulated, allowing law enforcement to protect women from any abuse from their employers and also to make sure that the women are tested regularly to make sure it is safe from STDs. I guess its a European attitude on my part but it just seems logical to me.
There are good reasons to legalize it, I agree. Seems to work where it's legal in Nevada. Medical use for frustrated virgins, however, is not a reason. Ridiculous arguments for a cause can only hurt the cause.


Well-known member
Well, yeah, I agree its not a helpful reason. But you have to admit, that is one group of people it would be helpful to if it was legal and safe.
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