Well, I didn't tell him but I did ask if he's ok. Well he said yes and told me that it's just the summer heat that's making him irritable. Well, when he said "*grumble grumble* Not again!" in a annoyed tone while I'm in my room, I was wondering if he's pertaining to something that I did!... well, I just threw my trash in the kitchen bin this morning, it was even sealed in plastic. I'm wondering if that's what he was grumbling about! When I came out, he threw all the kitchen trash outside. I don't know if it's because of my trash or it's just that the bin is full. it was a fudging bin so it's normal to fudging throw my trash there! Anyway, I asked if he's fine and he said yes, even smiled at me. But I am getting so annoyed with his reaction!!! Maybe I'm just paranoid. Maybe I'm so irrational to hate him just because he's a normal human being who wants to grumble sometimes. But I seriously wanna karate chop him!
Well, some people might be trying to minimize waste/go zero waste or such (we've had MANY quarrels about that at our house!

There may be different systems about sorting waste/recycling in different areas/municipalities/cities too... Or people may be particular and may have different expectations about trash sorting or eg when it needs to be taken out and by who etc. (Maybe he was just annoyed by the trash and having to take it out?)
Was your trash 'compostables' - in that case maybe composting it would be better? (do you have possibility for that?)
My family can sometimes just 'nag' instead of communicating more effectively too...
I liked it that we had 'rules' in the dorm, and a schedule on who does what each week...
My mum can YELL 'I'm not angry' or such too (people can have difficulties expressing negative emotions etc)
Anyway, I'd probably inquire about it... Like, 'Is there a problem' or something? Or just 'try to guess', eg 'Too much trash again, eh?' or 'Is there something in the bin that would belong elsewhere?' If he says yes, then you can inquire about 'what and where?' etc. /In some countries, there can be legal repercussions/penalties if you put the wrong things, eg compostables, into the bin with 'mixed waste'.../
(In our family, there can also be disputes over cookies/unhealthy food bought/eaten, which can be seen by trash etc.)
I found that sometimes people were cross, not necessarily with me or what I thought they might be about though...
Summer heat can be annoying, yup! Sometimes ice cream or a cold drink can help?
Lucky you, with fine weather over there!! Cold & windy here!!