Thanks for the response.
Would you agree that a presumed true love is that combined of close companionship (i.e. best friend, strong interpersonal connection) and physical & biological attractiveness?
If yes, would you agree that we, as humans, have adapted to the social idea of commitment, and through trueness, can mutually decide to limit ourselves to one person to express gratitude and respect through the system we call love?
It is combined with a lot of things. I see my boyfriend (for example) as a best friend but then with loving each other to it,and a lot more then that.
When you hug a friend, it's just a hug, sure it means something,but it's friendship-wise, when i hug my boyfriend.. (kk how do i explain this..) well i feel enjoyment,passion, it's like you ate trash your whole life and finally get to eat Ben&Jerry's or something. Can't explain it.
It's indeed combined with physical,biological,sexual attractions, close companionship etc.
So yes,
And i do agree, i think people can mutually decide to fully go for one another,as in love.
We can limit ourselves to one person.
Though good friends are always nice to have by your side :3