14 years ago I wrote on an InsideTheWeb forum, in the depths of depression, wailing about my situation. Now, I'm 1 month from getting married, have a great relationship (mostly due to her ability to open me up and get me to express myself), have three beautiful boys and in this job for the last eleven years! Never in my wildest dreams, would I have considered that possible in 1996.
I still go red. I still have anxiety problems - interviews being an absolute b***h, but I recently addressed four classrooms in the local school about our local sports club - though I was very nervous going in.
I'm doing coaching with the teams involving my boys and really enjoying it.
I'm applying to move on from here and I know interviews will be tough. If I stay, I might make Fin Controller or maybe even FD in a few years...who knows?
One thing I would say, is get out there...ask that girl out....if it doesn't work out...ask another one. Who cares? You shouldn't. The more you expose yourself to situations (in a controlled manner), the easier it gets. Feel the fear and do it anyway.
God has thrown a curveball with SP, but it doesn;t mean you can't bleedin well swing for it.