The official SPW christmas list.


Well-known member
I'd like a guy to come into my life who can see past my outer appearance, look into my heart and love me for who i am.


Well-known member
regular sleeping pattern
a nice cute Gf
a cool job
and a beautiful flat/house

...or just a few million quid :) lol


Well-known member
This reminds me of something I saw yesterday - A man with a large floor length sack and lots of identical cubic cardboard boxes sending them out at the post office. Sanda Claus is working early this year.
Nothing. I hate christmas. I hate receiving presents. This caused a big family barney last year when I was given a present after specifically requesting 'no presents at all'. It was an awful present, I am unable to say I like something when I don't. I lost my temper and spoke harshly. Night ruined.


Well-known member
A cute girlfriend to hang out with and make music with

Happiness for everyone I know (that includes you spw members :D)