Each city is different, like where I am, most girls don't like me becuase they judge just by one look. I know I'm not the best looking, but I know I'm not the ugliest person.
The people in Halifax, are not as friendly to people with social anxiety as other cities would be, and it's not just me either. I've come across other people are are lonely, or just different from the rest, and most people don't care. Girls are crueller than guys. It said that in the paper once with thing about bullying. I never really got bullied, or picked on. I try to be nice, but girls don't like me, even on-line. It's hard to find friends with "normal" people. My best friends all have social anxiety, some have Autism. They except me. It's a shame that we can only accept our own kind, that we can't blend in with others. Anyone different is seen as an outcast or loner.
I wish I lived in Ontario. I've came a cross a lot of nice people from there, and one of my friends is from there. Also more people there. Ontario has the best Naturist resorts. I'm from Nova Scotia, which is on the far East of Canada. Ontario is like in the centre.
I've been looking for friends since Junior High., and I started Junior High in 2001. 11 years, is how long I've been looking for friends. I still haven't found anyone local, and at times, I feel like I am loosing my mind, loosing hope and finding someone local to hang out with, be friends with and someone who really cares. All the cool girls are in out West. There maybe cool girls here, but not many, I haven't met any IRL or on-line.