Staying sane while unemployed


Well-known member
What do you do to keep from going insane? :D

I know many people in the country are currently going through unemployment and I just wanted to know what the average social phobic person does when stuck at home without work or school????? I feel completely isolated and can't figure out what to do to keep from going moderately insane......boredom has literally taken over my life and I can't help but feel like a what do you do in your spare time to keep from feeling this way???? :confused:

I'll take any suggestions.......


Well-known member
I'm not sure if I qualify as "sane" but I go online way too much. And I spend a lot of time watching stupid TV shows that annoy me, reading, or watching anime. And sleeping. Lol...
I spend a lot of time online. I also clean, walk my dog, drive around listening to music, and read. Every day I do something that makes me uncomfortable in hopes of lessening my SP so I can get a job.
Down Down Down

I don't even know. I am stuck at home all day long, and I mean I never go anywhere, never. I don't have work, or school, and won't have something to occupy my time for months. I desperately need something, anything, to do. This is literally making me crazy, if I'm not already. I need something to do, seriously.


Well-known member
Re: Down Down Down


I don't even know. I am stuck at home all day long, and I mean I never go anywhere, never. I don't have work, or school, and won't have something to occupy my time for months. I desperately need something, anything, to do. This is literally making me crazy, if I'm not already. I need something to do, seriously.

Just volunteer somewhere



Well-known member
Can't help you there. No job plus social isolation has made Jack a dull boy.

<-----see that guy dressed in armor, that's me. Stark raving mad I am.


For me, it really helps that I work out. Gym is pretty much my only outing and something to look forward to every day. If I didn't train, I'd go insane.


You should start doing things that make you happy; that's what I do.

I listen to music and watch some of these VERY funny/old TV shows!

Try looking for some online jobs if you haven't already.

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Well-known member
I am 26 and umemployed male in america and so I can relate I think. Maybe if you feel bad about yourslef you could read the Bible or something because you probably won't find much help from other people there. You probably shouldn't be ashamed of not working though because I am sure if you really truly could you would because its alot better to make some money and thats all most people are trying to tell you but if your not ready then your not ready and nobody can make you so I would just Play on my Xbox 360 or maybe walk to Hastings and read some new books or walk to the Jack in the Box close to my house and eat something or something in that nature... but you shouldn't feel bad about it, it's okay :)


Active member
I remember being in that situation. best suggestion i can give you is read, exercise, setup future goals, hangout with a friend(s) or talk to someone, or chores. Something that can keep you productive and pat yourself on the shoulder by the end of the day.


Well-known member
I used to feel suicidal or about to burst when I started to become unemployed. However after having a baby, I have a lot to do, including looking after the baby, taking her out etc. I have magically lost my depression and boredom, even though I still have the same situation as I did before, except for the addition of the little one.

Taking care of someone or something else will make you feel useful, if being 'useless' is what gets to you with unemployment. If getting a pet or planting vegetables in the garden is possible, I suggest giving that a try.

I also post on Yahoo Answers to help other people. When others appreciate my support I feel a buzz.

When I have absolutely no pressing chores to do, I clean the house, or take a walk and being mobile and active makes me happier.

If I had the courage I would approach neighbours to clean their cars, cause people really have dirty cars here in England for some reason.


Well-known member
Oh man me too...I feel like my life is just wasting away with out a job or school.but luckily I have a daughter to keep me company and busy!....try sewing, scrap booking, re decorating, baking, drawing, writing, walking, gardening, ripping your cd collection on to your comp, spring clean and donate some stuff to good will, and sell your other stuff thats in nicer condition online or pawn shop, ect (good way to fill your time and make a little money while un employed), maybe put up done fliers to do some house cleaning or dog walking on the side, donate plasma , get on you tube and teach your self something....these are things that I do...hopefully you got some ideas though. Good luck!


Pirate from the North Pole
I put my alarm to get up at decent hour in the morning.
I try to spend at least 1-2 hour looking for jobs.
After this duty is done, I try to spend a lot of time outside (biking, kayaking or just reading), I go to the gym, I play music, I draw or paint, I read, sometimes I even study stuff even if I'm not at school, I try to spend as less time as possible online, I do anything that I find pleasant and that keeps me occupied (away from pc is better - lots of time on the computer makes me depressed and low energy). Sometimes if I have the money I subscribe to a course.
With this, I'm very rarely bored.


Well-known member
Pretty much as most of people in this thread, i live my life online. Lurking on forums, reading, playing games, watching TV shows and movies, trying to interact with people online. This is however not healthy at all and you should avoid it. Do something useful instead, like reading a good book, sports or something creative.


Well-known member
Books,Tv(well its **** during the day),Music or you could get a pet or take up an instrument if theres no-one would get annoyed by the noise.

Or cooking or maybe sewing these thread potrait things. I'm going to spend my easter holidays teaching myself german cos I've nothing better to do.


Well-known member
10 months unenployed back in 2009,I went crazy,to much energy and rage to just stay inside and on the computer,I watched a lot of movies,but if I could go back I would use this time to exercise and read,also I went out on my bicycle a lot,I went to the other town pretty far on a bike lol,even that way I got really fat because when I am at home I cant stop eating::(:.


Well-known member
go on a walk or go on a run.
Visit a park and stay active.
get involved in your church (if ur religious)
don't fall into bad sleep patterns, wake up early to start your day off right.