Something you couldn't live without?


Well-known member
Some of already told what are the things that I couldn't live without:air,food and water :D
I don't really care about the rest.
Lots of things, but at this point in my life I don't know what I'd do without the Internet. I'd have to take refuge in books or video games or something I guess. Which doesn't involve talking to others, something that helps sometimes.


Well-known member
Besides the obvious necessities that would literally kill me if I didn't have them...

Toilet paper. I think about this a lot. I try not to waste stuff, but I go through a lot of toilet paper. So sometimes I try and think of ways I could use something else to reduce how much I go through. But reusing some form of material instead of toilet paper just seems too gross and over my limit. So yeah, I need my toilet paper.

Also, hot sauce, chocolate, and ice cream... but not mixed together. Well maybe the chocolate and ice cream mixed together, but not the hot sauce.


Perhaps destroying the internet might fix our society

The way the disease of 28 Days Later did the opposite

It might have been too much of a luxury to rely on

electronic devices and global data :eek:

It feels like the only thing that I really cannot miss in my life right now. Slipping into a state of half asleep/half awake might just be the only time when I feel truly good.