What I realized on the Family constellations, people are NOT just separated lonely islands, there are invisible threads that connect them, it's like some invisible language which they can naturally read. I can't, it's somehow complex to me, I can't put it all together, I always concentrate only at one thing at a time and loose notion of everything else.
I have sometimes had troubles with that too.. I've learnt a lot from books and been to some workshops, to understand myself & people better, and sometimes still have messed up.. I am also only now learning the constellations of who is related to whom in our little town..
Before, I thought, 'Wow, s/he's so popular/has so many cool friends/is in a group of friends' - turns out they were all related!! (so it was easier for them to be cozy with those people!) Some people in workshops also know each other well from before (some groups are long-term) and it may be easier to follow things then..
You can learn a lot about body language etc, or effective communication.. it may be easier for some than for others.. like skiing or marathon running.. for some, it is natural, some have to try hard and may never be 'world class'.. they/we can find other interesting things to do too..
Some may learn how to run by observing, some may need special instructions and to be shown & told how (not) to run (including me!) I enjoy some jogging/hiking, even if I was terrible at PE in school! Some ppl never jog, but maybe they can swim?
Also, different words/actions often speak differently to different people.. Online or RL, every group of people is different.. so sometimes it still feels like exploratory laboratory.. I can do okay with just one person or a few, and may get preplexed (or even shocked lol) in a group, sometimes.. Again, it's about self-acceptance even in such situations.. I am learning, therefore I am growing (and still alive).
Whereas others understand everything instantly, they don't even need to think about it or try hard, they feel it and they feel it right. Then no wonder they love to be in social settings, they find this interaction with others enjoyable. Whereas for me it is boring and I get tired easily, because I can't read the people, I can't imagine how they are feeling and how to react to them properly.
I was like that in high school and learnt a lot from a more sociable classmate.. I had NO IDEA how to talk to people, about what? lol
I learnt to fake it pretty well (you must gush over babies and dogs, or new hairdos or clothes/jewelry/recent events etc.) It still felt odd.. (I do
really like many pets, I just didn't know it's an easy conversation opener and something 'proper' to say that most people like to hear.)
really important things still felt
much better..
It has nothing to do with that I wasn't sorry for them if they feel bad or so, it doesn't mean lacking empathy. Everyone who knows me knows I am a nice person, only very lonely and maybe I appear to them cold. They can't read me and I can't read them.. I guess they usually don't know what to think of people like me, because we are not within that invisible nework that connects all people and that gives them sense connectedness and togetherness.
Thank you very much for the description of what it's like. Very interesting to read about all this. Hmm, maybe there could be a separate thread on autism/Asperger's and such? Maybe there are some already?
We are like strange fishes in the pond. Who don't behave according the rules. If this happens in nature, the strange, confused and confusing animal is usually atacked by the herd and eaten up
Or maybe starts or joins own herd of exotic special animals?
/Or makes/joins a space-ship?
(If it's boring, maybe you're not with the right people? If it's just 'socializing' it's very boring for me too..)
Sometimes people who go against the rules are a lot of FUN & interesting - or discover interesting new things!
There are some cool Asperger's communities out there, some are quite inspiring! Have you checked out any?