Shyness = less of a man?


Well-known member
Do you think shyness makes me less of a man? How about living at home at my age of 28?

This is killing me::(:


Just because you're living at home? No, I don't think so. You're going to work so what? It is better than people who live glamorous lives but in fact are in debt or just get married and have the spouse to support them.
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I don't think it makes you any less of a man because you are shy OR because you live at home, there are ways to bring you 'out of your self' there are some really handy things you can pick up from google. Just a thought :)


Active member
Actually, I prefer guys who are more shy then the ones who are cocky/loud/obnoxious. I think it is absolutely adorable and my dream guy would be one who was more relaxed/mellow/shy. And no, just because you live at home at 28 doesn't mean anything. I mean I'm only 20 but I still live at home...I had my own apartment but I got is a lot more common today for people to live at home.
Actually, I prefer guys who are more shy then the ones who are cocky/loud/obnoxious. I think it is absolutely adorable and my dream guy would be one who was more relaxed/mellow/shy. And no, just because you live at home at 28 doesn't mean anything. I mean I'm only 20 but I still live at home...I had my own apartment but I got is a lot more common today for people to live at home.

yeah I love shy guys, most girls do...only the really shallow, and if I may call them stupid, don;t think that way.. u give some mystery.. I don;t think u;d want one of those girls :)


Well-known member
Do you think shyness makes me less of a man? How about living at home at my age of 28?

This is killing me::(:

Why are you asking this question, if you already know the answer you'll get and you want to get? No one here will think anything bad of you, of course. But other people out there, the "extroverts" WILL think you are not a man, and you know it.
Now the question is: what do YOU want to do? Do you want to please all those extroverts out there? Is living at home a real problem, because it limits your ambitions? Is being shy a real problem, because it limits your potential? If there are any REAL problems, you can always try to solve them, little by little.
I am saying this because I really believe that many huge problems I have are actually minor problems, or not even problems at all. It's just that my mind makes them up, and makes them huge and unbearable. Think about it. ;)


Well-known member
yeah I love shy guys, most girls do...only the really shallow, and if I may call them stupid, don;t think that way.. u give some mystery.. I don;t think u;d want one of those girls :)


I must be blind.


Well-known member
I don't know about shyness, you would have to measure yourself with a man-o-meter to find that one out. As for the living at home biz, many people stay at home. My uncle is 48 and still lives with his parents. Phil Mitchelll stays with his mum lol. Do try to move out sometime though! If you don't have the money then just wait till you do! :)


Well-known member
Do you think shyness makes me less of a man? How about living at home at my age of 28?

This is killing me::(:

Hey Recluse, I don't think shyness makes you less of a man, and I don't think you living at home at 28 makes you less of a man. My husband lived at home until our wedding (and a few weeks after we both lived at his parents house until our house was ready for us to move in), we got married when he was 29 :)

Living at home is a cultural thing. I had a friend from African and he said men there usually live at home until they are married, whatever age that may be. They see it as a waste of money to move out beforehand. Which, IMO, it is. I'd rather have a man live with his parents (but not be babied obviously) and save money than shovel out rent to live alone.


Well-known member
This is certainly what my father believes. All men must be brave, brash and should take control. I've never been that way. I have always been tentative and shy. He forced me to play in a cricket team at age 12, which comprised of all his cousins sons, most of whom were a few years older than me. They were 'men' apparently. They swore openly, preyed on the weak like me, and believe it or not gossiped quite a lot too. Yes very manly indeed. I never did become a 'man' by being in their company, it just made me more of a recluse. And now, my father wants me to get married, to someone of his choice of course. I'm not quite sure how being a husband will make me into a 'man'. Sure I'll become the man of the house, but my personality wont change. What would make me feel more of a man, is finding a girl that I love and who loves me back. Someone who feels I am important, and that my shyness is not a flaw, but instead a strength. Pity that seems unlikely.


Well-known member
Hi everyone, thanks for the replies...I guess i'm in need of support right now, the reason being a girl who has become frustrated at my inability to tell her how i feel. I've know her since 2008 and i guess i don't feel good enough for a girl to like me in a romantic sense so i have been keeping my feelings hidden due to fear of rejection. She said in so many words that she was frustrated in a mesaage and that i should be a real man and tell her what i feel.


Well-known member
But what if it means the guy (me) can't say how he feels to the girl because he feels so inadequate and afraid of rejection?

I think you know the answer ::(: .I tend to the same and even knowing the consequence and I can't change the habit.


Well-known member
Shyness does not hurt your chances with girls. If you like to approach girls who you find attract then, my best suggestion would be not to come off as some werid.