Shyness = less of a man?


Well-known member
yes and yes to both qestions :) but the thing you should be thinking how you see yourself and feel about it not how others see you.


Well-known member
dont worry about it mate , i have a freind whos 32 hes still living with his parents , he split up with his gf 2 years ago and went back home .... nothing wrong with it, hell its a lot cheaper than paying for a flat thats over 500 a month thats b4 bills lol that what my other mate pays in rent , so be glad your still at home;)
No, I dont think your less of a man.
Im 29yrs and I live at home, I know Im a woman but still sometimes I feel kind of like a bum because I live at home.
And 2 of my guy friends one is 28yrs and he still lives at home, and one is 32 and he still lives at home. Trust me a lot of people are moving out of their family home when their older because their trying to save money, or their in college etc. Parents dont kick their kids out like they used too.


Well-known member

Just because the overwhelming majority of men (who are outgoing) think that shy men are "not manly enough", doesn't mean anything. What do they know? Absolutely nothing.


Do you think shyness makes me less of a man? How about living at home at my age of 28?

This is killing me::(:

I wouldn't use exactly that phrase, but it definitely does make you less respectable to everyone, especially women who despise weakness universally.

They may still like you but only in a pitiful, belittling way, like a little lost puppy dog.
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no! shyness = cute!



Well-known member
As the other guys/girls/men/women here says, it is about how you feel about it. If you feel good about living at home, then that is the best you can do, but if you feel bad about it, then you should maybe consider moving at some point. Of course it will be best for you to move at some point. It would not be good for you to stay at home all your life. But as long as you feel good staying at home, and your parrents want you to stay at home, then there should be no problems.

If you feel good about yourself and feel like you are a "man" then I am quite sure that most others would feel the same about you.


Yes. There's nothing more pathetic and repulsive to women than a shy/weak man. We're at the bottom of the social ladder.


Well-known member
Yes. There's nothing more pathetic and repulsive to women than a shy/weak man. We're at the bottom of the social ladder.

You said it, man. All my female friends tell me just get over my shyness or dont expect to ever be with anyone. ::(:


Well-known member
Well said barry, i couldnt agree more. There are as many reasons to live with your parents, irrespective of age (they're you're own parents, why not live with people you love?) than to live alone. its important to know who you are, some people will pass their judgment on you, take it with a grain of salt.

Since you pose this question, does this mean you feel like you're less of a man? If so, what do you think makes a man?

It's other people who do so, or atleast i have paranoia that they must think little of me. I had one guy who worked with me belittle me saying that he had a girlfriend, and his own place even though he's younger than me by four years...Basically he was saying i am a loser. I have had people commenting that i am lucky that i have no bills to pay but it just makes me feel guilty.

I have no problem living home although i would like my own independence at times, just that now it's more practical for me. I guess how society expects men to be -

Strong both physically and mentally
A leader
Can look after himself
A provider


Well-known member
Do you think shyness makes me less of a man? How about living at home at my age of 28?

This is killing me::(:

or how about me at 41 being shy/SA living with my mother at my age... Pathetic eh? Too many things holding me back, especially finding a girl friend. No girl in her right mind would want an old guy who STILL lives with his "mommy".


Well-known member
I wouldn't think you are pathetic. I don't look at people and judge them like ''OMg He's still living at home?!''.....But even though i have a non judgemental attitude in life i can't imagine that other people can me non judgemental towards me. People seem to judge others by their social status, wealth etc.
I wouldn't think you are pathetic. I don't look at people and judge them like ''OMg He's still living at home?!''.....But even though i have a non judgemental attitude in life i can't imagine that other people can me non judgemental towards me. People seem to judge others by their social status, wealth etc.
Yeah, people judge. There is no avoiding it, the thing is not to care what people think. Easier said then done... :)


Well-known member
I wouldn't think you are pathetic. I don't look at people and judge them like ''OMg He's still living at home?!''.....But even though i have a non judgemental attitude in life i can't imagine that other people can me non judgemental towards me. People seem to judge others by their social status, wealth etc.

Thank you Recluse! I am afraid I judge myself much worse than others do... Maybe it's an SA thing? Or just lack of self esteem... IDK? :confused: