Shy guys


Well-known member
Shy Guys Please answer this question: If you like a you let her know or do you keep it quiet amongst yourself? (fill me in)

Do you want an actually relationship with this girl that you like very much??

Your aware she likes you and you like her just as much.
What do you want to happen?
Please give your honest opinion on this topic.


What if I told the guy I liked him extra and sent him my number without him asking for it. Do you think that would scare a guy off for the most part or would he be secretly happy about it and scared to call?
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Staff member
I'd let her know if it was online, its much easier that way not being face to face, in real life its terrifying, I've never asked anyone out in real life, about as I got to that was when I wrote a letter once but got rejected.

My first GF asked me out, she was bossy and I did as I was told back then :eek:
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Well-known member
Everyone is different, but if I look back on my life, every time I've ever had a crush on a girl in rl, I've always kept it to myself because I was too shy to approach her and start a conversation.

However, if you're talking about an online relationship, then yes, I would tell her, but only if I get some kind of sign that she really likes me in that way. I wouldn't wanna risk telling her my feelings only so she could tell me that she doesn't feel that way about me after. It would be embarassing. I would do it online because when you're shy it's easier to talk to someone online and I'd have plenty of time to get to know her and be comfortable with her until the day we meet.
Several times it happen and I believe the feelings are mutual. I kept quiet. But that's just me. Online or otherwise, I'll keep quiet. Or at least have done so, so far.


Well-known member
i usually keep quiet but if we are in a same class or somthing, ill try hard to at least have a convo to be more comfortable with each other. ONce i feel comfortable ill try to be friends first

yes i would like a reltionship

if we both like each other, id want to ask her out and take it form there


Well-known member
hmmm i think if i knew she liked me , and i liked her id just think sod it tell her , if you bottle it meaning walk away you will only beat yourself up over it , its better just to go for it than walk away ....


Well-known member
Your aware she likes you and you like her just as much. What do you want to happen?
Please give your honest opinion on this topic.


If I was definitely aware that she liked me as much as I liked her (this is a big if since I'm utterly blind to it, as well as thinking "that would never happen") then I may try to nervously approach her about it.

But what I would usually do is try to find some way of talking to her on-line like most others here, where I'm in my comfort zone.

Do you want an actually relationship with this girl that you like very much??



Well-known member
Id go for it and ask her. Nothing is gunna happen if not right ?
Plus I like the feeling, butterflys In my stomach . Excellent ;)
I'd not give any hint whatsoever. I've never even suggested that I ever liked a girl.

If a girl comes up and tells me that she likes me, I'd either say, "that's very nice of you to say"(sarcastically). or I'd completely blank her.


Well-known member
i'll hide it and act like nothing is going on, even though i i prefer shy quiet girls, i always end up having a crush on a very social girl


Well-known member
i'll hide it and act like nothing is going on, even though i i prefer shy quiet girls, i always end up having a crush on a very social girl

same as me cept i get crushes on shy quiet girls... hard to make things work when either party wont initiate
In the past I would have definantly hid it, now I think I might just tell her. Gradual change is still change :)


Yeah a few years back I would've kept quiet anyways, but not so much now. Especially since you asked that if I'm aware that she likes me just as much, that makes it so much easier. The problem is that I have had difficulty telling if a girl was really into me or if she was just being nice. Only once has it happened where I was absolutely sure she was going to say yes and I was so astounded I choked under the pressure. I would hope that I wouldn't let that happen again. I dunno I'm confused. :confused:


Well-known member
i usually keep quiet but if we are in a same class or somthing, ill try hard to at least have a convo to be more comfortable with each other. ONce i feel comfortable ill try to be friends first

yes i would like a reltionship

if we both like each other, id want to ask her out and take it form there
WOW I like your answers lol! Good answers ..thanx! :D