Scale it 1 to 10


Well-known member
Tell us how severe your social anxiety is
10 is as bad as it could be
I tell it first, i d say mine is usually 3, sometimes 4


Well-known member
It´s difficult to scale it because I don´t know what must happen to be a 10 (maybe that people who are always at home and refuse to go out). We should have a guide to read and check it.
Maybe I´m a 7 because although I´m feeling very bad I can manage to go to work (not always) and other people can´t.
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Well-known member
I guess nowadays something like a 3, but it used to be worse in the past (7 perhaps)
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Well-known member
Not as bad as it was when I joined this site last year. It's probably been between 3 and 5. I am worried about tomorrow, when I face an event one year on, that still feels like a kind of trauma


Gah, rating scales frustrate me! :p I'm so bad at judging values like that.... hmmm....

I guess I'd have to say on AVERAGE I am about a 6, maybe?


Well-known member
Overall, I'd say 4. Day-to-day it doesn't come up a lot, because I'm so accustomed to avoiding the things that'll make me anxious. But when I do have to do something that scares me, then it shoots up to an 8.


Well-known member
Well, I'm avoidant. I've structured my life so I don't have to deal with anxiety at all. So...0. But the moment I have to talk to someone, it spikes waaaaaaaay up. 10+

I think if I forced myself to go out everyday I would become somewhat desensitized and my anxiety would be a 3-7 depending on the situation.


Well-known member
Alone in my dorm or at home...1. Public speaking or speaking to a professor, teacher or someone in authority...9. If I'm walking into a crowded room or somewhere crowded's around an 8.

I m not the one who s gonna decide but having trouble in crowded rooms, speaking to authorities the definition of disorder. Not when u re at home.
I hope u get better my friend