Scale it 1 to 10

1 when home alone or with nan. 2 when home with My uncle. 4 when on webcam, 5 when I'm outside, 6 when I'm outside and i see a group of people. 7 when I'm outside and I see a group of guys my age. 8 when I see a group of girls my age. 9 on the rare occasions i go into school. When in social situations with people who aren't my peers or in a group, 6.

So inside I'd say an average of 1. Outside an average of 4, and in a social situation, ie talking to someone, being around people, a 7.

Sorry for the really long post


Well-known member
it varies heavily depending on the circumnstances.

Totally agree. It's hard to say. When I'm at new places where I don't know anybody, and I feel that no one's looking at me or judging me, I can be very confident! :cool: But in other situations I'm usually a 5. Sometimes it can get as bad to 8, even 10. I really hate it. Wish I was normal and strong enough to handle it.


Well-known member
How can you tell if it's 'as bad as it can be'?
I can't leave my room without being anxious- I can't leave the house without panicking, and my panic attacks tend to last for hours if I'm traveling; to the point where I'm on a bus for one hour and completely drained and have to go to bed and sleep for 17 hours just to have the energy to keep trying to be alive.
I have to hold my mommy's hand in public just so I don't get heart palpitations and faint/vomit.

How bad would that be? heh.
I'm agoraphobic. I feel terrible all the time - in public and private. I wouldn't be able to begin putting a scaled number to how I feel, since I feel the same, pretty much- all the time.
What's it like to not panic? I think I forget.


Yep, varies a lot. I'd say on AVERAGE lately it's been about a 6 or 7 at its peak, which isn't often, but other than that it's been 5 or lower.

The thing with me is, I often have anxiety regardless of being in a social situation or not. I'm pretty sure I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and possibly some OCD. I worry even when I have nothing to worry about, and I can sometimes obsess over those problems. It takes a lot of mental effort to force myself to stop worrying and obsessing.



Well-known member
I never liked ratings, a 9 for someone could be a 3 for someone else, this is totally subjective :p

Not saying that there's something wrong with it, of course, but I think it's hard to tell how bad it could be.
Circumstances are a big factor for me, I'm about a 3 to 4 in the car and once the car door opens and I get ready to go it jumps to 7ish...but rating it is hard because a lot of people are around it jumps to a 10 like nothing. But I am also still combating the leaving the house issue most days so I would say 9 to 10. Lately its been worse than its ever been


Well-known member
i have to do these scales all the time for my councillor it means nothing really obviously its up in the situations you dont feel comfortable in whatever they might be and down when your tucked away in your safe place


Well-known member
1-3 normaly, if I'm out shopping my OCD behaviour when organising the shopping in the trolley and at the till makes me aware of the people around me watching me and what I am doing. If I'm somewhere where there is a large group of people it's the same deal. Then it's 7-10 with the full blown panick attack