Say one of your qualities


Well-known member
I dance stupidly to music even if I'm standing by myself.
I'll do it at a grocery store, any where really. I'm sure I look incredibly stupid. ^_^

Orion's Hound

Active member
Wow, that's a crazy situation you were in. I'm so glad everything turned out fine! That was really smart and fast thinking on your end. That really is a great quality to have. I'm horrible in dangerous situations. Those are situations I would love to never have to be involved in.

Thank you. I appreciate your appreciation. I kind of wish I could take the "never panic" part and turn it off when it comes to positive stuff like acting human after the accident. I know when scary stuff happens, appearing like it doesn't even phase you as if you were Jason Voorhees or something is extremely unnerving to people. Might allow me to appear more a hero in such a situation rather than a well meaning golem. Still, people are safe so that is what is ultimately important.

I find the variations that these anxieties can take and the effects they have listed by many of you to be fascinating. Diverse. Moreso than I would suspect. I wonder if mankind will ever fully understand what makes us human. Why one can take two different brains during an autopsy, both looking identical but one belonging to a serial killer and one a saint.


Well-known member
Now that's a skill not too many have mastered!

But you look like you're having fun, which is all that matters. :)

Yeah, that's what I always think when I see someone being stupid. I actually envy them. Do you ever do anything like that Mikey? For you maybe you start death metal head banging out of random in grocery isles? lol


Yeah, that's what I always think when I see someone being stupid. I actually envy them. Do you ever do anything like that Mikey? For you maybe you start death metal head banging out of random in grocery isles? lol

Good to hear. Let's celebrate universal stupidity!::p:


Well-known member
Yeah, that's what I always think when I see someone being stupid. I actually envy them. Do you ever do anything like that Mikey? For you maybe you start death metal head banging out of random in grocery isles? lol
I am too embarrassed to draw that much attention to myself, haha.


Pirate from the North Pole
Useless to say that I personnally think I suck at everything, but according to people, I'm a good snowboarder. I think the "quality" that goes with it is recklessness


Well-known member
  • My ablility to listen
  • Empathy
  • Respect of differing opinions
  • Consideration
  • Unpretentiousness
  • Having a reasonable vocabulary and command of language
  • My sense of humour


Well-known member
I avoid expressing emotion like the plague.

I'm terrified of being vulnerable.

If someone starts to know me I become scared and run away.


I dont pretend to know it all.
I can admit when I am wrong, and I am not afraid to apologize if I am.
I am loyal, protective, kind hearted and considerate.


Well-known member
I always believed I can do anything. I believe it so much so that sometimes it scares me. I never thought of anyone in history to be above me. I'm arrogant and ambitious that way. I don't even know if it's a good quality. Another problem is, I never really had the courage to put anything into action. Plus the fact that I easily freak out. lol