rate the last film you watched


Well-known member
but it's a trilogy... you can't expect justice when you know there are two more movies to come! oh well.

Oh, my bad. I didn't know it was a trilogy. All I saw was the hunger games movie.

At least I liked it a lot, right? It seems you are upset when I gave it 6.5 stars. That's a decent amount above average. It's not like I gave it a 4 or something.

I'm not going to love every movie that gets great ratings. I've given some awful reviews to well-rated films. Many people have different opinions of films they watch.

Once again, I liked the movie a lot, haha. If that means anything. I get the feeling if I gave it a below average rating I'd be getting burned at the stake?


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In the middle of

Breaking Bad, Season 4: 8.5/10 stars

This show has got me hooked. It's at that stage.

Acting is so passionate and believable. Even Walter Jr. can act.

I've fallen in love with Aaron Paul's character. I don't know why, but I've found myself rooting for him. He has this tough innocence that I like.


Well-known member
Prometheus - 5/10

I was really excited about seeing this movie until the movie started and it said "Directed by Ridley Scott". That's when I started doubting, because his movies are either incredibly good (Blade Runner) or incredibly bad (Robin Hood). When the movie ends, you ask yourself: "What was the point of watching this?", and there isn't any really. Charlize Theron is in this but they gave her a really lame role. It might be the biggest waste of money in film history. They pretty much just asked her to be in the movie so that people will go see it, at least that's what I'm suspecting. I can't really comment on the acting in this movie because the movie is so badly directed and disorganized and the story is so pathetic that the actors weren't really given a fair chance to fully show their acting abilities. There is one really kool scene in the movie though that involves actress Noomi Rapace, and that's pretty much the only good thing I have to say about this movie.


Well-known member
@newtype hm, you're right. the movie was a bit disorganized. and long. but i still enjoyed it.
Prometheus - 5/10

I was really excited about seeing this movie until the movie started and it said "Directed by Ridley Scott". That's when I started doubting, because his movies are either incredibly good (Blade Runner) or incredibly bad (Robin Hood). When the movie ends, you ask yourself: "What was the point of watching this?", and there isn't any really. Charlize Theron is in this but they gave her a really lame role. It might be the biggest waste of money in film history. They pretty much just asked her to be in the movie so that people will go see it, at least that's what I'm suspecting. I can't really comment on the acting in this movie because the movie is so badly directed and disorganized and the story is so pathetic that the actors weren't really given a fair chance to fully show their acting abilities. There is one really kool scene in the movie though that involves actress Noomi Rapace, and that's pretty much the only good thing I have to say about this movie.

See, I want to see the movie for Noomi Rapace! I'm going to wait for it to stream on Netflix, though.


Well-known member
The Kill List: 3/10 stars

Eh, watched about half of it and turned it off cuz baseball was more exciting than the movie.

The problem for me was I couldn't even tell what they were saying half of the time. Their accents were so australian that I was lost for a lot of the movie.

It was an independent film so the picture was terrible, adding to the lameness of the film.

I've liked independent films before, but not this one.


Well-known member
Bad Ass: 3/10 stars

This was terrible. It was so far-fetched. They had this guy who beat up some bullies on a bus (which probably really did happen), they had this guy like save the world and get a g/f that is like 30 and a 9 on a 1-10 scale when he was like 60, broke and was not attractive.

They took the save the world stuff too far. The bad guys were really fake too. It was like Commando except not good.


Well-known member
Currently watching Wilfred Season 1: 6/10 stars

Very unusual show. Creepy.

Loved the quotes. One was I suggest you stop playing ball with them and play ball with me.

Actually, this show is very related to many guys in this forum suffering from SA. It talks of fear and how it brings us down.


Well-known member
Think Like A Man: 2/10 stars

I couldn't stand this movie. The thing I hated most was the fake personalities that all the men had. It sounded so fairy tale-like and just sounded like made up lines out of some terrible version of Casablanca.

I also didn't agree with the ideas of the book. Men are far more simple creatures than what that book says.


Well-known member
Horror of Dracula (1958) - 6/10

Peter Cushing's Dr. Van Helsing pursues Christopher Lee's bloodsucking count in lurid Technicolor. Too bad the screenwriter never read the book. One is left craving a sequel in which Bram Stoker rises from the grave to avenge the murder of his plot.
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Well-known member
The Cabin in the Woods 9/10

What a fun movie this is! It's not scary as it has more violence and gore than actual suspense, but it's quite entertaining and I really liked the end. It's got the right mix of comedy in it as well.
Home of the Brave 5.5/10

I get what the writers where trying to do with this movie, and I like the idea, but it just fell short in the writing and acting, IMHO. I'm also not a big war movie kind of person, so I don't have a lot to compare it to.


Well-known member
Detachment: 6/10 stars

Even though it was your typical Dangerous Minds type of flick, it had some solid drama to it. A lot of sadness in it as well.

Boardwalk Empire, Season 1: 5.5/10 stars

Love the wardrobe and script.
The Cabin in the Woods 8.5/10

I don't like scary movies because I'm easily freaked out, but this isn't your typical scary movie. The biggest difference: that wonderful troll, Joss Whedon. I am a Whedonite. I love almost everything that he does. He's just so clever and funny and always brings a new take to his work. No exception here. Though I may have to watch it again because I spent most of the first half of the movie trying to guess what was going to happen in the second half.

SPOILER: The biggest surprise of the movie for me was when Sigourney Weaver showed up at the end. I loved it!