Question and Answer



Okay, so, my video journal was a fail :p Because I'm paranoid, and have a thin skin, and a guilt complex. Haha. So I was thinkingggggg....

If people post questions for me to answer, I'll make videos answering them! :)
But I wish other people would do it too. I still would feel like I just want attention, even though I KNOW this is a forum and is about that by default.

But yeah, if anyone's actually even interested, leave me a few questions. I'm not guaranteed to answer them, depends what they are.... hehe. You can ask me personal questions, you can ask me random questions, complex questions.... whatever. Obviously, keep it appropriate.

But I was thinking this would make it more interactive and fun, maybe?

Credit goes to NWP for the idea :)

So..... yeah, if interested, leave questions and I will answer in due time.


Well-known member
Hey Beatrice,

I totally ADMIRE you guys for being so BRAVE and posting videos!! Seriously.

Why was it a fail and how come?? I never got to watch any and wanted to watch today hmph!!

Massive amount of people said you're cute so...?? ;) Ya know?

I totally understand wanting privacy and withdrawing videos for that... (You never know when a future maybe-employer or teacher might see something, so maybe it's good to stick to general topics that would be okay if ppl saw them in RL too?)

That said, how about: 3 people you find most inspiring in the world? (And why) Or 3 interesting things/maybe-careers you'd be happy doing? What kind of people do you respect and admire?

If you have any interesting interests or hobbies, what tips can you give to people who'd wish to do that too? :)


Well-known member
Where would you travel to for 3 weeks if money wasn´t an issue? And why?

What historical timeperiod would you travel to if you could travel in time? And why?


Well-known member
Nice, Bea! I crochet too, actually! Months ago I started a blanket for one of my nephew's, but I haven't worked on it in the longest time. And I actually used to want a be a neuropsychologist. Sooo, many parallels there, hah.

I would potentially do these.... but I'm superly uncomfortable on camera.


Well-known member
I enjoy watching these videos that are just popping up around the site lately. Almost makes me want to do one. I'm too uncomfortable around a camera though, so it won't happen any time soon. Anyway, interesting answers! I like Disturbed too, though I'm more fond of their older stuff... I have a feeling I may have told you this before, so if I did, I apologize for repeating myself. :)


I hate questions

I was told this by my parents. They always wanted to ask about everything, but tried to avoid any questions. If only they had scorned me, and given me some direction in early life, I'd be in a better situation now.

I find a question an encroach of my privacy. Equivalent to the phone ringing. I've spent a massive portion of my life answering the phone all day long to alien people who ask what my name is, what I'm looking for, and to find out more about me. That is the standard setup. I've tried and tried to behave nicely and come up with the answers they want to hear. The effort is fearsome!! I need to put the might into this to play ball and meet their requirements; otherwise I will never be successful in life.

If a person in town forcibly approaches me about a charity issue, I can easily ignore them, but it feels rude. There is no opportunity there for me. I'm glad to avoid violence with these people, and it never comes even close, but it would be a wonderful opportunity for me to vent my anger and swear at them or even lash out.

Trivial questions are the worst.

If anyone just asked me the molecular chemical structure of LSD, I'd have no idea, but it would intrigue me, and I'd look into it, and find the answer ASAP, and try to please the requestor. If a stranger asked me to give a verbose answer to how I'd summarise my psychological make-up, it would be the ultimate question I'd ever get, and I'd have an immediate reply to offer, and I'd love it.
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Well-known member
Imagine that you're offered the chance to become one of any other species for one day - which do you choose, and why? :D


Well-known member
if u were handicapped, what would u prefer:

a)you are 300 pounds
2)ur legs are amputated from above the knee
3)u have no right arm & only 3 1/2 fingers in your left arm
4)u have alzheimers disease
5)you are blind