doesn't change what you are biologically.
Biology can be tricky, many biologist would say there are more factors other than genitalia or chromosomes when it comes to determine one's sex. Also independently of biology, there's no reason to harass or treat them like sh¡t (not saying that
you do).
There's intersexual people, having characteristics of both sexes for example. I do think biology has a role, but not a simple one to explain.
On a semi-related topic look at what rabbit hole the 'identity' thing has led to in sport, in particular women's sport. You now have biological males, identifying as women, getting a nip and tuck, then competing as women.. and completely dominating! It's completely ridiculous.
I understant your concern, it is true that they have advantage. As far as i know, their treatment as well as the reassignation surgery have an impac on their bodies like reducing muscular mass, but even then, they're above the average woman. But what could be done? making a transgender category? dunno if they're enough to have own teams on each sport. Pair them with men? well, for the same reason, they would be at disadvantage (not to speak of how disrespectful that would be). But i understand, doesn't have an easy solution.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to Hollywood shoving more politically correct BS down our throats.. hmm..

perhaps an overly effeminate gay male Thor for the next movie? I wonder how that would go..
Well, the only think i'm not ok with is changing an existing character to a specific model just to appeal a specific group of ppl (independently of how big it is). But not against having an overly "effeminate" gay (or straight) male, people like that exist so why not

. What i don't like is when they introduce an LGTB+ character whose whole development revolves around it's sexuality, like gay ppl are more than being gay lol.
Make characters that are interesting by their own feats instead of having them living under the shadow of the original.
I remember all these people that when they see a gay character be like: "WHY DO THEY HAVE TO FORCE AN UNNECESARY HOMOSEXUAL CHARACTER INTO THE STORY". Maybe because gay ppl exist (i'm one of them, hello

) and let's be honest, most romances/sex scenes are completely unnecesary even for heterosexual characters xD. Unless it is a romance story, i don't see how is needed all this "boy likes the girl and girl likes the boy" subplot.
Besides, there's plenty of cis/heterosexual characters, no?
And i know some people would itroduce LGTB+ characters just to gain numbers but surely that is preferable to pretending that we don't even exist.
These days I almost feel like it's wrong to be a white middle aged male with masculine traits.
White - can't feel ok about that.
Middle aged - can't be ok with that as a male, if you look for a date you're a creep compared to middle aged or older women who are coined 'cougars'..
And masculine - can't be masculine either.. it's 'toxic'.
I'm not going to lie, i've seen people rejecting white or "masculine" men for relating them to other (toxic) men. Which imo is not very intelligent.
But i've also seen ppl rejecting others for their skin color or men being harassed and called freaks for not being "masculine"
I think there are extremes on both sides which are extremely unhealthy. Both seem to have this "in order to prove that i'm good, i'm going to discredit that which is not like me"philosophy.
BTW i use "" when refering to masculinity and feminity because i think they create more tags, and their scale is very dependant on society, personality, country, etc. To some, a man that simply shaves would be less masculine than one that doesn't, thus creating tags like "metrosexual" which was very used as "i like to take care of my appearance BUT IM NOT GAY OK?" cares, do what you want lol.
Personally i think that if you are (and identify as) a man, whether you shave, grow a beard, or paint your nails, you're still a man.
Also let's stop pretending every "effeminate" man is gay, plenty are heterosexual and many women like them (sexually speaking).
Hmm.. maybe I should identify as a black, purple, green and polka-dot, non binary, gender fluid, but mostly female transgender? Does that cover all bases?

There's nothing wrong in being a middle aged white man, who has "masculine" traits. And those who think otherwise, may not be so different from the extremes they complain about
I've suffered a lot thanks to homophobia (physical and mentally), to the extent that 90% of my mental disorders developed thanks to it. And not for that i think that every straight man is homophobe. In fact all the friends i have/had are/were heterosexual or bisexual lol and not a single one of them judged me for being gay.
Oh and there are homosexual homophobes. So making a Personal profile based in 2 characteristics, as i said, is not smart
These are my general thought based on what you commented, not saying that you are like all these people