Dietary fatalism... I like it.I don't think I've ever been so indifferent to the fact that I've grown another year older. I do sort of want to eat an entire cake though, but not really in a "Happy Birthday" kind of way.
On Friday I have a date with 3 ladies from work. The other guy dropped out he is playing tennis.
Ok now you're getting greedy..On Friday I have a date with 3 ladies from work. The other guy dropped out he is playing tennis.
On Friday I have a date with 3 ladies from work. The other guy dropped out he is playing tennis.
I have many instances of this, but I always remember this one time when I was delivering pizza.
I had to deliver this wrap to a Gamestop, and you know I like Gamestop so that's cool, and the name on the receipt was a women's so, you know, *cough*, smooth Vj also thought this was cool. At that point I had a become accustomed to the general social script you follow when delivering a pizza ("hi!", "sign here", *awkward wave*, *scream in car*, Repeat). On the drive over, I was thinking maybe this time I would mix it up, say something more clever for a change. I was working out some things in my head, but didn't come to a conclusive decision. Maybe in the moment something would come to me.
So I get in, I deliver the food, and she was telling me how much she loves our wraps and could eat them all the time. In my head, I was thinking "I could say that "we aim to please". Yeah, that'd be cool!" I was very close to saying it, but my body decided nodding and smiling until she stopped talking would be better. I then got back to my car and was going back and forth with myself about whether it would have been very clever and cool, or incredibly awkward and weird. Knowing I couldn't go back in time and find out, I decided to believe the former. It didn't really matter, I would never know for sure anyways.
That is until she ordered the same thing the next day and I was given another wonderful opportunity. I had had 24 hours to replay the situation in my head too, so I was ready this time, and after she again went on about how good our wraps are, I told her "We aim to please!" Now, this may be due in part to my execution, but after saying this I immediately realized that this was, in fact, incredibly awkward and weird, and not cool or clever. I could very much see this in her face, which is, remember, a face that spends all day selling video games to nerds and requires a high tolerance to awkwardness.
Needless to say, she never order from us again.
That is one square jawed motherfucker.Are any of the Game Of Thrones fans watching The Witcher? I'm not, and I never read the books OR played any of the games.
Also, and no homo*, muh dudes... but how damn handsome is Henry Cavill? It's friggin' scary just how good-looking some people are.
* - maybe just a scooch
So I bought this game from Gamestop online, and to my dismay it didn't work. I thought it was the system, but it is in fact the game. So I go to the website, and learn I can either exchange the game at a nearby store, or send it in (and pay for shipping and wait weeks to maybe get a new game) to get exchanged. I thought it over, and not driving down the road 15 minutes to return it seemed silly. I'm a grown up, and should be able to do these things. I just "no big deal" 'd it in my head. If I overthink it it becomes a big deal, so I didn't.
I couldn't help but remember that this is what happened the last time I went to this Gamestop though.
But, like, that was three or four years ago, the chances of that same employee working there was not too likely. It's probably some random guy like myself.
So I pull into the parking lot, and see a surprising number of cars. It is a few days before Christmas I guess. I get to the store front, and try to get a glance of how many people are inside, to brace myself and whatnot. When I get to the door, I look in and see two or three gamer girls, all of whom I assumed in that moment worked there.
Now, I'm not sure if it was the idea of one of them being the same one I delivered that wrap to, or just a wave of general self consciousness at the idea of being surrounded by three hot gamer girls at a Gamestop, but without thinking about it I took my hand right off the door handle, turned around, and headed straight back for my car. I could have gone back after a minute and pretended like I left something in my car, but, uh, well last time I returned to a Gamestop it did not go well
So I'll just send it in. Worst case scenario they don't replace it in I feel like a dweeb for not getting past the hot gatekeepers at my local store. Embarrassing? Yes. Would I get over it?
I will be watching it in the next week or so. Don't have time at the moment. The game was good, the cinematic's are amazing and reports are the show is living up to the hype.Are any of the Game Of Thrones fans watching The Witcher? I'm not, and I never read the books OR played any of the games.
Also, and no homo*, muh dudes... but how damn handsome is Henry Cavill? It's friggin' scary just how good-looking some people are.
* - maybe just a scooch
Go back! Confront your fears!
Are any of the Game Of Thrones fans watching The Witcher? I'm not, and I never read the books OR played any of the games.
Also, and no homo*, muh dudes... but how damn handsome is Henry Cavill? It's friggin' scary just how good-looking some people are.
* - maybe just a scooch
Just watched the first episode.. let me know what you think LoyalHavent started it yet, but I am keen to watch it