Rant away if you need to Graeme.
^ Yeah - that would be pretty annoying. You would think if someone is going to sell something like that on ebay they would have the common courtesy and sense to package it up properly so that arrives in acceptable and usable condition. You should tell the seller what has happened - he should be accountable in someway.
Ink cat pawprints in a 15th c. book.
That is so cool . . . and adorable! I absolutely love it, but I'll bet someone was seriously pissed at the time!
Well, since this is the random thoughts thread.... Eh, ah just bought a 2nd hand printer off eBay this past Friday. Told by the seller that it was it very good, working condition. Well, ah got the printer the day and it's f**kin' broken! Because the f**kin' eejit didnae bother tae package it properly :veryangry:
Ah mean... it's a printer - no a f**kin' DVD boxset! So that's why am f**kin' raging! Since it cost me quite a lot o' money tae buy the f**kin' thing. Bastards!! :bat: Ah know, ah know... ah swear a helluva lot!
Ink cat pawprints in a 15th c. book.
Graeme, I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. I've often been appalled by the number of morons who populate the 'Bay. I've gotten burned a time or two myself, and it's infuriating! :kickingmyself:
I see that you've already contacted the seller. That's good, but if he won't make it right, you should definitely take the matter up with eBay/PayPal. No way should you have to eat a crap sandwich like that!
Yikes! That would be a little freaky. I try not to keep up to date with anything like that in my area.I love when I randomly turn on some real life crime documentary on the Discovery Channel or something and the crime occurred in my neck of the woods. It always creeps me out.
I'm sorry. :Just found out someone I went to high school died in a car accident last night. He's from the same state as me, even though we both went to school in Pennsylvania. He dated one of my best friends in high school. I wasn't really close with him but I remember that he was intelligent, funny, kind, and a little bit shy. Wow
Also just realized he unfriended me on Facebook a few weeks ago - so that's who it was. Awkward. But it's still sad, of course...
BooI love when I randomly turn on some real life crime documentary on the Discovery Channel or something and the crime occurred in my neck of the woods. It always creeps me out.
For f**k sake... :kickingmyself: Why is nothing every easy, especially when it comes to eBay.
I wouldn't ever trust ebay. Amazon is a way better alternative.