Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
normal is having friends. We are social animals weather we like it or not.
I hate having one person to talk to and that's it. I feel very alienated from the world all the time. Like a freak. I made my bed though.

fast food is poison. I like it too haha BUT it's poison.


Well-known member
狼;649225 said:
I ate fast food for the first time in a very long time and Wow I felt sooo gross and my fingers smelled of grease for days after plus the guilt of it for being so harmful to my body was just too much. I am fasting now. I ate at Denny's and KFC in less than a week! Oh and Denny's has their nasty-ass bacon-maple shake on the place mats while you eat! They are trying to kill us, I am convinced of it.

It still doesn't sounds as bad as fried kool-aid and butter. I'm not about to go there..........walks off.........

I wish I wasn't so clumsy and thoughtless with some of my stuff. I have had my in ear headphones ripped from my ears so many times they now need to be glued together regularly. this is all because I get up out of my chair not realising I have headphones in. another stupid thing I just done was tread on the power pack for this laptop which caused the screen brightness to go a bit funny just now, I bet this causes a problem with it later on down the line...

I tend to be accident prone as well.


Well-known member
狼;649222 said:
I miss HS and the days of getting stoned and listening to music with friends for hours with no real worries. I try not to think of the past but sometimes it just takes over and makes me sad.
Hmm, classic saudade...there is no cure ::(:


Well-known member
狼;649232 said:
normal is having friends. We are social animals weather we like it or not.
I hate having one person to talk to and that's it. I feel very alienated from the world all the time. Like a freak. I made my bed though.
Yes, we are. It's how we're wired.

What do you think you could do to become less alienated? Maybe this one friend and yourself could go out. I'm not suggesting going to nightclubs and hitting on men, but just out to a bar or restaurant to have dinner together, or to a park - just somewhere with people.

Terrible advice? Maybe. Just a suggestion, though.

狼;649232 said:
fast food is poison. I like it too haha BUT it's poison.
I don't think it's "poison." It's not healthy, but I really don't feel it's really that bad.

Of course, in moderation, it's fine. I'm still eating fast food and chocolate in moderation and I'm losing over 1kg a week. I like to eat good food, but I also like to eat the greasiest burger McDonald's can offer at times, too.


Well-known member
How on earth can I do my morning workout when I feel so terrible? I had so little sleep last night it's beyond a joke... Firstly, my SI Joint has decided to get suddenly a lot worse again and I could not get comfortable... Plus my husband's neck was aching so he needed an extra pillow... The wonderful, selfless person I am, I gave him mine, despite knowing I'd be somewhat uncomfortable without it... I've given him my pillow before for a few nights, and it was uncomfortable but bearable... But combined with the SI joint pain it was torture. *Sigh* I now ache all over (and worse than yesterday) and am exhausted... HOW can I force myself to work out?

I don't know how... But somehow I will... 'Cause I'm a glutton for punishment.. Oh Joy(!)

*EDIT* I did it! I'm amazing! My strength of will is practically perfect! Now excuse me whilst I crawl into a corner and curl into a ball... Maybe I'll hibernate... See you in the spring... Yeah, who am I kidding? I've got to walk the dog and do housework and do my afternoon and evening workouts yet... JOY(!)
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Well-known member
20 min ago i had my first appointment with a therapist. i went to the door, and got a "panic attack". its unbelievable, i just couldn't enter that place, i hate myself. because i know things will only get worse. i left, and am back home now. i can't even get my f***ing driver license because of this blush*t social anxiety and avoidance disorder and depression. I'm f*cking lost. i can't keep going like this anymore. when i walk down the streets I see myself thru some of these old homeless street men, who lost everything. I will end like this if nothing changes.


By making generalised statements about what we, as one person in 7 billion, think the rest of 'society' is like we only make ourselves sound as judgmental as the people who's values we are condemning for not being open-minded enough.

See I dont really get this. Seeing as we all live in a society and learn from what society teaches us as 'normal' - then - what are the standards of what is acceptable and what isnt? Dont we all play, more or less, by the same rules? - where do these ideas about what society is like come from to begin with? How do we get an idea of our values and culture and identity? From what society teaches us.... I would have thought. To understand the world we live in, I would think making some kind of generalization makes sense - to understand and make sense of the world we live in.

And you cant encompass the entire human race as one society - there are lots of different kinds of societies - but when we belong, in one specific kind of society - you learn what it values as important and how it operates.

That probably makes no sense to anyone - I thought I would just give it a try.


Well-known member
See I dont really get this. Seeing as we all live in a society and learn from what society teaches us as 'normal' - then - what are the standards of what is acceptable and what isnt? Dont we all play, more or less, by the same rules? - where do these ideas about what society is like come from to begin with? How do we get an idea of our values and culture and identity? From what society teaches us.... I would have thought. To understand the world we live in, I would think making some kind of generalization makes sense - to understand and make sense of the world we live in.

And you cant encompass the entire human race as one society - there are lots of different kinds of societies - but when we belong, in one specific kind of society - you learn what it values as important and how it operates.

That probably makes no sense to anyone - I thought I would just give it a try.

The point I was making is that I don't see how society is as one-sided as people often make it out to be nor why the apparent societal trends should govern my perceptions of the people around me.

I could say that the UK is a materialistic society - we are a powerful and developed nation, and there is a significant portion of the population concerned by money and material items. But I also know that there's a whole spectrum of people who are the polar opposite. For all that people on this forum may say about society being shallow etc... isn't the fact that so many people posting here disagree with shallowness further proof that not everybody is that way? So when it comes to 'what society thinks', I don't actually know, because there's not a single viewpoint that can account for everybody within it. Take something like celebrity culture for example, I probably know of more people who don't care about celebrities' lives than people who do, yet the media would have you think otherwise by pasting the same faces on all our papers. What we 'see' of the society around us - be it on t.v, in the papers, even on the streets, is only ever a snippet of the whole picture.

Sometimes I think the only thing we need to understand about the world is that it can't be understood. It is too diverse a place and human beings are too complex a mechanism to 'read' and group together. I don't judge the people I encounter until I have got to know them - if people choose to judge me, that's their issue.
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I lied. I am going to post one more negative thing. A quote by Woody Allen from Annie Hall (never seen the movie).

"I feel that life is divided into the horrible and the miserable. That's the two categories. The horrible are like, I don't know, terminal cases, you know, and blind people, crippled. I don't know how they get through life. It's amazing to me. And the miserable is everyone else. So you should be thankful that you're miserable, because that's very lucky, to be miserable."

I think it's funny. I don't necessarily agree with it, I just found it funny. It kind of reflects how my mind has been operating lately, which is very sad indeed.

Okay, now I'm done posting negativity. For a while anyway :p


Well-known member
great... i've been forced out of my house again by manipulative and scheming people.... ugh i'm sick of this bull wish the government would just give me a break so I could get out of this hellhole.


Well-known member
my dad decided he was going to invite people over here when he knows full well that I don't like it. he actually does it to wind me up, he does this with people,probably part of the reason my mother divorced him. so I have pretty much been forced out of this house, either I stay here and get insulted (last time I overheard him call me a f***ing bastard) they come back here drunk and loud .one person also crashed into the door of my bedroom once too really wasn't happy and then I have the anxiety of other people in the house to top it all off. or I find somewhere to wander around all night, I just phoned my mum and she can't have me stay there as her boyfriend is more important it seems :rolleyes: