Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

You are full of solutions!

And organs. Also full of organs. ;D

Yeah, I use this a lot.

Next order of business could be to increase the private message limit to 100 or something. 50 is too small for someone as popular as me. :numberone:

Yeah, and also considering that your send messages count as regular messages amongst these 50. So assuming they are PMs you respond to, you only have 25.

Though, what I really want is a SPW popcorn machine. :popcorn:

Also by using the 'New Posts' tab you can still see the name of the last poster :) I only ever use the New Posts tab - makes it easier to catch up on anything I may have missed by keeping it separate from stuff I've already seen

Oh neat, I didn't know about that one. :3
I just applied to a cleaning position on Craigslist and literally about 10 minutes after I sent the email I got a phone call from them and did a phone interview :D It's just an interview though, so...

Also, at one point the lady asked me how my previous boss would describe me, and I stupidly told her that I quit my last job and stammered something about how my last boss wouldn't be good to talk to :x Herp derp never say things like that in an interview -____-

Soooo, now I feel kind of stupid, my face was burning for a while after and I'm analyzing the conversation. And worrying I won't get the job. And that if I do I'll hate it. And beating myself up for not finding one sooner. And how I should have kept my old job even though it was awful (for me). MUST PUT OUT OF MIND.


Well-known member
was it a really important call?


I needed to make an appointment with a staffing agency for a job opening they emailed me, but I got confused when the woman said they were an automated answering service and asked if I wanted to leave a message. I asked a few more questions but she just repeated that so I felt stupid for asking. Not to mention the stammering and the pauses. Blah!

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Just thinking how my many ways my car gets used way beyond it's intended purpose.


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But... milk is gud! :D

I wish it was, but am not sure about it. Sometimes it seems to me I feel better when I don´t drink it. What also bothers me that drinking cows milk by humans is a bit (or just a lot) perverted, because in order for cows to produce milk, they have to be inseminated often and then their calves killed, and the milk which was destined for them people take for themselves. It´s horrible, and I am so stupid to participate on that. Now I fully deserve being sick. Why I drink it is partly because it is so comfortable, I don´t have a proper place to cook so I´m eating mostly things that don´t need to be cooked and that I can take straight to my room without preparation, because my father shouts at me everytime I am there. And now in winter there are not even fruits to eat, other things like bread seem quite hard to digest and just everything has something..
Welp, my Internet is going to be off the day after tomorrow, not sure exactly what time, and it will be indefinitely.

The thing I'm most upset about is that I won't be able to watch Resident Evil Let's Plays, which I am currently hooked on :crying:

So... these will be my last few days here for a while. Been nice knowing you all :p

Wish me luck on living life without the Internet! I'm going to need it! :p
Oh thanks. :thumbup:

I knew you were going to say something about that! I'm sorry but the RE LPs are commanding my attention, they truly are what I am going to miss the most. I haven't had this much fun on the Internet in ages.

...that's sad lol

Anyway of course I'm going to miss talking to you -_____-
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