Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Feeble Scream

Active member
i was wondering how you guys thought about the importance of music to your mood, and if anyone of you is religious?

You see music effects my moods pretty badly and i can change by mood by listening a certain genre/style. It's just that once i listen 'down' music i feel like listening more of it.
I feel pretty much the same about music. It can completely change my mood and I use it regularly to escape from reality. Genres doesn't matter for me but music with power and soul. And I think I'm addicted to it as I too can't stop listening once I started. But hey, it doesn't have any (?) negative effects so it shouldn't be a problem. :)


Well-known member
i'm posting too much. Must do homework. This place is addicting.

Also: my friends didn't understand me, but i tried to just be honest with them and tell them the straight-forward truth about things lately and they say that i've changed. For the better


Active member
I had whole wheat pancakes with Nutella for dinner tonight. Is that weird? I love breakfast for dinner. How about just eating Nutella straight from the jar? Or licking the rest off the knike you used to spread it on some other food? Or mixing Nutella with vanilla icecream? That made me wonder if there's a Nutella flavored icecream, and if there isn't, they should hurry up and make one. Anyway, Nutella takes good with just about anything. Coyote, good idea - Nutella and PB. Have to try that one...


Well-known member
God how I wish I had a parent that isn't a child. When she's angry she literally follows me telling me everything I should be doing and am not. No matter what I say there is a defense, or a reason that what I said is even worse, even if I say nothing! It's like her goal is to break me and then she tells me I'm only broken to try and get her goat. BAAAH.... LIFE IS NOT A COMPETITION OR WAR..
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Well-known member
I feel like one day maybe one day I might have what I want.. if I work hard for it.
The first thing I'm doing is exciting. It's good for you physical and mental state.


Well-known member
I got a facebook again. I haven't even completed my profile or added anyone yet and I'm loathing it already. >.>


Well-known member
My brother's friend is leaving his punching bag at my apartment until he gets back from Europe.

This is the best therapy I've ever had.


Well-known member
I started going to the gym about a month ago. I have lost 6.5 lbs as of today! \o/ I feel super motivated to keep it up now.