Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I wonder what I'd do with a million dollars...? Oh Oh I know I'd hire someone to hire someone to snipe me in the head. Quick and painless. :)

Oh, c'mon, you know you can do better then that! ::p: If anything, a million dollars could serve as a very nice budget to help you change the things bothering you.
I want to make a motivational poster.

The top half would have a beautifull natural mountain on it, with a forest starting below it. Perhaps rays of sunshine breaking through some white clouds.

And on the lower half, an equally nice human-build city with grand architecture and fascinating buildings.

Then there would be text on the dividing line in the middle; ''One of these life-supporting systems can fully support itself without the intervention of human aid/knowledge. The other cannot.''

It would be a reminder of just how silly and artificial human life has become, and how silly it would be to become overly stressed about it.


Well-known member
I want to make a motivational poster.

The top half would have a beautifull natural mountain on it, with a forest starting below it. Perhaps rays of sunshine breaking through some white clouds.

And on the lower half, an equally nice human-build city with grand architecture and fascinating buildings.

Then there would be text on the dividing line in the middle; ''One of these life-supporting systems can fully support itself without the intervention of human aid/knowledge. The other cannot.''

It would be a reminder of just how silly and artificial human life has become, and how silly it would be to become overly stressed about it.



Well-known member
Restless, feelings of hopelessness and loneliness, sense of dread and impending doom

another sucky day


In a world of hell and pain. I knew it was going to be hard, but I can't begin to describe how unrelenting this suffering is. No wonder most people stay on substitutes for the rest of their lives.

Pissed at my support worker too, she rang me and I told her how hard I was finding it, and she asked me if I wanted to go back on the substitutes :mad: Seriously..why the hell would I want to do that!! Then these past weeks of pain would of been for eff all and I would only have to do it again at some point.

Going back to that crap is not an option. I will do this.


Well-known member
don't know if there was a thread about it but ehm

i was wondering how you guys thought about the importance of music to your mood, and if anyone of you is religious?

You see music effects my moods pretty badly and i can change by mood by listening a certain genre/style. It's just that once i listen 'down' music i feel like listening more of it.

Oh and is anyone of you religious? and is this benefiting/blocking you in any way? I was thinking of becoming a Buddhist as their point of view has helped me alot in the past, with things like suffering is inevitable ..

so .. anyone?