Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Then again, maybe the way I'm thinking now is what real love is all about? I feel like such a child/doofus trying to rationalize this. lol.

It's never stupid to think about what real love is and to evaluate your own relationship. I used to tell my girlfriend i loved her, and i meant it. She said that she felt it but couldn't say it. Now that makes you wonder doesn't it xD well it made wonder, specially because she broke up with me because she couldn't say it. So does one only love another when one can say it?

sorry it's my mind rethinking everything n stuff
When I come to this site and see a page full of posts in bold, endless yellow buttons saying "go to first new post", the world seems full of life and oppurunity.

When I come on and the post aren't bold, and I've read them all, life seems so empty :(

I should spend less of my life on here ha


Well-known member
When I come to this site and see a page full of posts in bold, endless yellow buttons saying "go to first new post", the world seems full of life and oppurunity.

When I come on and the post aren't bold, and I've read them all, life seems so empty :(

I should spend less of my life on here ha

whaha totally the same here Yesterday i was just hitting F5 all the time , too much time on this forum didn't sleep just was up all night


Well-known member
Some things that happened some years ago were eating me inside this week,it makes me sick the kind of people,people reward and like,I cannot understand,but on the other hand it helped to keep me in check a bit and not become like them.
If Starlin Castro swings at the first *#&#^@& pitch one more time, I am going to beat him to death with his own baseball bat. I know he's young (21!), but come on man. You've killed so many possible rallies.


i wasnt socially anxious and evrything went quite smooth today at work after trying some new maneuvers to handle my SA, yet im still not happy much, frkn need some friends..ugh hope college goes by better than HS, frkn 4 years of hell.


Well-known member
If Starlin Castro swings at the first *#&#^@& pitch one more time, I am going to beat him to death with his own baseball bat. I know he's young (21!), but come on man. You've killed so many possible rallies.

Maybe I should talk to him. I played baseball for one year in middle school. I knew I wasn't a good hitter, and knew I wasn't in the majors. So most times I just didn't swing.

My average sucked, but I probably led the team in on-base percentage. Of course I struck out a lot, too, but I scored a few runs....



Well-known member
Guy keeps trying to make me cock block people in subtle ways lol :D,thinks I am dumb,I almost didnt get it but I got it :D,like sit there and there,trying to keep me closer to "his" girl,so other guys wont have to be,he knows I wont do anything or he thinks I am ugly,but I am not going to do this time,I will be anywhere available,if you go with a cheater expect to be cheated.:D


Well-known member
I wonder what I'd do with a million dollars...? Oh Oh I know I'd hire someone to hire someone to snipe me in the head. Quick and painless. :)