Random ramblings too long and too boring to bother reading,

Just a warning.
Tomorrow I am going to a water park with my friend and her mom, sister, and her sister's boyfriend. I have pretty much known her and her sister and mom since I was really little. So I know them well enough, so I really shouldn't be that nervous to go.
I want to go to the park because I used to go all the time and it is pretty fun. I am not sure if it will be super fun now that I am older, but we will see.
But on the other hand, I am really, really really nervous. I don't want to go. I really...really don't want to. I don't think anyone has seen me in a swimming suit in a year or more. I am really nervous about that. A whole bunch of people seeing me in a swimming suit? Eeeeek. I am going to feel so exposed. I had a swimming suit that was a tank top type thing and then a little skirt thing, so it covered me up pretty well. But it didn't fit anymore so I gave it away. I realized I didn't have a swimming suit and I had to go buy one today. It was really awful, so awful. They don't have those skirt things anymore, which is dumb. I tried on a few tank tops but they didn't fit. None of them fit. I tried on one pieces but they were ugly. I ended up getting a two piece, exposes way too much of my body but I couldn't find anything else. Maybe I should have gone to another store, I don't know. I probably spent an hour and a half trying on swimming suits. They really didn't have cute options if you are bigger, they really didn't have options for cover up things where you could still look cute.
Oh random interjection. I had a bunch of suits in my hand and I was going to go hang them back up myself because they were busy. The lady told me to put the things I didn't want in the cart or something and I said that's okay and she said but we have to make sure they are all hung up. So I started going through the suits (showing they were hung up) saying "uh um uh um uh uh um" and she was like. "still thinking?" and I said yeah so she told me to just come back with the ones I didn't want and I said okay! Thinking I was being sneaky. Then I went back to pick out more suits and I was like crap! She is going to see me! She is going to know I lied and ask where the suits are! So I walked around the store for like 20 minutes trying to kill time hoping enough people would have gone through that she would forget about me/ not recognize me. Thankfully she wasn't there when I went back.
Also, another random thing- the boy and girl dressing rooms were not separated. It was just one big area. I didn't notice until I saw a guy walking back there. I was like uh um? Ek.
Where was I...I am feeling really self-conscious. I don't want to go tomorrow, I don't want them to see me in a suit. I don't want anyone to see my huge thunder thighs walking down the paths. I bought a pair of shorts to cover up my thighs. I was thinking of buying a shirt/tank top to put over my stomach area but then I realized it would be stupid to spend 35 bucks on a swimming suit only to spend another 35 bucks on clothing to cover up the swimming suit. I am thinking of just dealing with it. I am thinking of just saying "screw it" and wear my swimming suit without the shorts because, it is like who really cares if I have huge thighs? Who cares if I am really fat? Let the haters hate, ya know? I want to have fun in the sun and get a tan. But at the same time I am like, people are going to be staring at me and I am going to be that person that "shouldn't be wearing that". Ugh.
Also, trying on suits as a huge reminder of how much weight I've gained. If only we went to the water park 3 months ago.
I am still thinking about making an excuse and backing out. I hope that the weather is really really bad so the decision is made for me and I don't have to worry.