Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
^That's amazing :) I'm glad it went so well between you both. Hope you have great time at your next date.

That's awesome, Olhos! I hope it all goes well :)
Thanks but it didnt go so well,half the day I was unrecognizable,I even invited her to eat at the table with me to ask for her phone number,but later I got to know that she is married, someone gossiped to me because they "felt sorry" for me,I got some courage and went to talk with her about this and she said that its over and they dont have anything anymore,dont know if its true,but I lost the will to do anything,I dont know what I will do,only one more day until the day,I dont know if I will just give up or go just for courtesy.
What's wrong? ::(:

Remember you can always send me a PM. I hope you feel better soon BD *hugs*

What's the matter, Blue?

You guys are very special human beings. I hope you know that!

My lonliness is getting unbearable, but I am too chicken to do what I would need to do to fix that. I am stuck ::(:
I thought I could survive without a guy to love me and love back in real life, but I am realizing I can't afterall.


Well-known member
You guys are very special human beings. I hope you know that!

My lonliness is getting unbearable, but I am too chicken to do what I would need to do to fix that. I am stuck ::(:
I thought I could survive without a guy to love me and love back in real life, but I am realizing I can't afterall.
We can't live alone. A lot of people try, I tried myself (I know I'm young and I shoudn't talk) but it's impossible. We're social creatures and we need other people to live life.

I really hope you find a guy who loves you and you love back. Stay strong BlueDays, I know you can *hugs*


Well-known member
First day out of uni, and nothing to do until april 10th.

I don't think I'm doing any travelling in the end :/
You guys are very special human beings. I hope you know that!

My lonliness is getting unbearable, but I am too chicken to do what I would need to do to fix that. I am stuck ::(:
I thought I could survive without a guy to love me and love back in real life, but I am realizing I can't afterall.

I'm with MrJones, living alone without someone to love/love you back is inhumanly difficult. Heck, I'm about as lonewolf as people get, and even I would be depressed by not having someone around if it wasn't for the fact that I'm neck deep in cats (literally, the little one walks over people's shoulders).

You're a very charming person, and I know that I can't really know you online like I would in real life, but the fact of the matter is that the quality is there and very apparent. Consistently so.

It's little consolation I'm sure, but just know that you're not unlovable. I mean, us lot care a whole lot about you.


Well-known member
My heart is being yanked on. Some people are so sweet that they make me cry, because to me it's hard to find one with good intentions. I'm a big cry baby, I know lol. It makes me emotional to find someone so sweet so unhappy with all of this evil going on around me and they're rewarded. This goes for many.


Well-known member
I love how in every argument somehow my name is brought up. To my family I am the best verbal punching bag and best thing to gossip about.
They were arguing about f'in gravy (My family fights over the most stupid things). And now I hear them whispering about me. All I can do is pretend I don't care and move on but it hurts, it seriously hurts.


Well-known member
I love how in every argument somehow my name is brought up. To my family I am the best verbal punching bag and best thing to gossip about.
They were arguing about f'in gravy (My family fights over the most stupid things). And now I hear them whispering about me. All I can do is pretend I don't care and move on but it hurts, it seriously hurts.

food fight, seriously

gravy first

flick it at 'em with a big spoon