My brother and a friend of mine are getting pretty close (maybe a little too close). She's actually convinced him to go to church with her tomorrow. He
never goes to church, isn't even religious (although he was brought up Catholic), and honestly I thought he was a bit of an atheist (but maybe I was wrong?).
I'm not sure how I feel about this. He's dated a couple of my friends in the past, but those "friends" I had weren't good people, rather I just felt used, only came to me when they needed something (and in some cases, that "need" happened to be my brother

). I guess I'm just worried that a) My friend is going to ditch me and/or b) My brother is going to do something stupid with her that'll either hurt her or get her into trouble.
Also, I think a lot of this is just jealousy. Jealous of the fact that my brother is able to be social, able to actually date, meet people, etc. And here I am, 18 years old, never dated and never had a boyfriend and too afraid to even talk to/meet people for that matter. I guess it helps if you're tan and dark haired too, not pale and blonde, frizzy-haired.
On a happier note, I can't wait til he starts getting involved with her parents. Now that is going to be amusing.

He has no idea what he's getting into. :
