Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Re: like they do on the discovery channel!

Just found out there's going to be an audit going on at my work tommorow. And being the new guy I'm going to be observed for the 6 hours that I'm there. Mostly in how I talk to people. I get along perfectly normal with people but now that it's being judged I know everything is going to fall apart. Also just got insured on my car today after a year of not driving. I've been feeling weird since mid-day. Maybe I'm psychic and could feel this coming. :D

God dammit.

Wishing you well, Sartana, being observed would be tough. Hope it goes better than expected.
There are some people who are like Vampires.
However instead of blood, they suck every ounce of energy out of you they can.

If it's an acquaintance you can distance yourself from them. But if they are family members, your screwed.


Well-known member
Re: like they do on the discovery channel!

Wishing you well, Sartana, being observed would be tough. Hope it goes better than expected.

Thanks! It went fine. They ended up showing up after my shift finished. Which is kind of a shame as I was feeling confident once I arrived. I guess I was more nervous about driving again but just didn't realise it. Stupid brain. :)
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Well-known member
Well done! I wonder what job that is? ::p:
But it must mean you're good!


That phrase -> Its not what you say, its how you say it.
I can see the point, but sometime it is what you say.
You cant say, you're an idiot with a smile and not sound like your insulting.
But then you can say 'you're an idiot' with a mad face, and look serious.

maybe I am not understanding something here :p

I'm a resident assistant now. Academically, I'm good on paper, but I definitely lack social skills! I've gotta corral people at my university to do activities with me. This is my attempt to throw myself out there and get better.

So painful sometimes.


Well-known member
Getting bored of my current work load! Get up, go to work, then sit on the computer to do uni work. Then bed. :eek:

At least saturday is nearly here.
I just realized that since my username around here is a common(-ish) word, anyone googling it would need to sort through millions of results to find me on this site. I feel safer just knowing that.


not actually Fiona Apple
I may be putting my undefeated Sequence record on the line today. I'd ask for luck, but I won't need any :cool:


Well-known member
Maybe, I've never been there, so I don't know :p

yay for small towns!

The city has public transit that almost never totally closes down, even on the iciest days.

In small towns and more rural areas, people can be snowed into their houses for days at a time... so that makes it much more difficult to make it to the school to teach.

...I guess it also helped that the head of the school district was 200kms north with even more snow?


Well-known member
The city has public transit that almost never totally closes down, even on the iciest days.

In small towns and more rural areas, people can be snowed into their houses for days at a time... so that makes it much more difficult to make it to the school to teach.

...I guess it also helped that the head of the school district was 200kms north with even more snow?
I'm human, irrational, I just want what I can't have (that is, snow) ::p:

Anyway, I'm sure kids hated when they couldn't go to school due to snow :D


Well-known member
haha~ oh yeah!
Especially on the third day in a row with no school... that was just.... tragic! :rolleyes:
After 3 days without class, why bother going the other 2? Free week!


I know people who do such things... now, at uni XD

PS: woooooo 1000 pages!!!