Post your random thoughts/feelings etc



I really need to leave facebook alone. Or at least cut my ties with anyone under 20. Im sick of the inconsiderate bull****.


Well-known member
I can't stand it anymore, those sickening emotions how people are towards me. Now i can see it with my sister too, i have no clue what's going on. I'm trying to be nice but heey! people still treat me like crap. Luckely i have 1 friend online who seem to care about me and i care about him. I hope to meet him in real, but other then that, **** everyone! Now my sister too, today i said hello a few times and she seem to ignore me. I just saw her wallet bij accident and there are pictures of people in it like my brother and father but not me, even in her room there aren't pictures of me. Ofcourse i know we never really get along but still, it hurts like hell. I'm so sick of everything. Even at work i have super nice co-workers and a nice job but somehow they always treat me different from anyone else. I can see it with guests too, they seem to get nervous around me especially with guys. When i say hi to some co-workers of mine they are not replying and even grin with the other people. Yeah, i am being treated like an ugly woman with no brain, a hopeless person. Luckely i stood up for myself and i could break connection with someone who doesn't seem to care about me. But yeah, i'm looking up for my surgery after being called ugly several times. And **** people who say i look decent when i talk about it. They have no idea since they still are like:''ew, stay away from me,,. I have tried to take first steps on guys and they all were annoyed by me. So i'm waiting for a guy to take the first step. Another thing i notice is how alot of guys tell me i look average on the internet, or say i'm okay looking but not the prettiest person. I know that they are honest but it still hurts. Not the fact that i want to be the prettiest person alive but just the fact that they say it which i actually not wanted to hear or asked for it. But heeey, there are a few things left which i can focus on like tropical rainforests, games, music etc. But at some point i can't stand it anymore. With my new job i make GOOD money so i hope to safe up lots of money to move away from here and start a new life. At this point i don't care anymore about how i'm treated, people can **** up. Even on this forum i feel awkward and i know we all do. I start to hate myself. The surgery is the only thing that keeps me alive, I'm willing to start ALL over again and start a new life. All i wish for.
I've been told I'm ugly several times, even by total strangers in the street. I know how it feels to see people laughing at you without knowing why. It hurts, of course, but I don't want to let it get over me. If you think surgery can help, go ahead, I hope you are happy with the results, but if I remeber well I think you posted some pics before and I wouldn't change a tiny bit of what I saw.

Maybe what you do need is a change of scenery. You can try that and see what happens, if it doesn't go well you can always try it again. But remember that surgery is forever.

Whatever you do, I hope you make the right desicion and that things will improve soon :)

Plus, talk to me whenever you feel it, I'd be glad to.


I can't stand it anymore, those sickening emotions how people are towards me. Now i can see it with my sister too, i have no clue what's going on. I'm trying to be nice but heey! people still treat me like crap. Luckely i have 1 friend online who seem to care about me and i care about him. I hope to meet him in real, but other then that, **** everyone!

I tried to talk to you earlier this last week but you didnt want to. So I guess I dont count as one of your friends since its only this one other guy? Sorry if I sound like an ass, but if Im supposed to **** off when I was only trying to see if you're ok, then Im just gonna stop caring. Or maybe its just certain guys you want talking to you?


Well-known member
Possibly an unpopular opinion: I actually enjoyed FB more when it was just for college students.

ya know I actually respect that opinion at LOT. I can see how it was better back then.

personally, and I may get flamed for this so I apologize ahead of time if I'm offending people,but I liked when facebook was for college students and myspace was for everyone else.

*ducking* I'm sorry!


Active member
revolutionary improvement thanks to my psychologist, i'm rrreeeally close to my goal, reeeally close, feeling happy since 4 days now, new record haha =D


Well-known member
Another unsuccessful attempt at suicide.
This is getting ridiculous.
They nurses here think I'm funny though :rolleyes:

omg are you being serious?

:( how many attempts have you made? i truly hope after this last failed attempt you realize you are supposed to be alive and stop trying to change that.


Well-known member
Another unsuccessful attempt at suicide.
This is getting ridiculous.
They nurses here think I'm funny though :rolleyes:
Please, remember that no matter how bad life can be, it can always be great! Things can be better with time, and you're very very young, don't try this again, please, things can be better, you have to try it hard, just give it more time...
Please, remember that no matter how bad life can be, it can always be great! Things can be better with time, and you're very very young, don't try this again, please, things can be better, you have to try it hard, just give it more time...

^I completely agree. Please never try to suicide again. Things can and will get better suicide is never a sollution.


Well-known member
Five or six times.

Alright...and what have you gotten out of those 5 or 6 times?

probably all it has gotten you= scars,damaged internal organs if you used pills,lots of grief from the people around you,and judgment on your record.

I'm willing to bet you'd get way more out of NOT attempting this again and just living life.

I won't tell you that you've got a lot to live for bc I don't know that. I will tell you that after this many're definitely not supposed to be dead. So...why not keep living and try to find some peace with that?

(spoken as someone who attempted multiple times myself.)


Well-known member
Another unsuccessful attempt at suicide.
This is getting ridiculous.
They nurses here think I'm funny though :rolleyes:

I know I don't really have any place to say this to you since I don't know you personally and I don't know what you're going through, but you got to believe me when I say that suicide isn't the answer. I've been there before and I hurt a lot of people, including myself. I was literally holding life in one hand, and death in the other. I shudder at the thought, but I'm glad that I chose life in the end. You should do the same. Think about it: there's a reason why you failed those 5 or 6 times. You are meant to live. You were given life for a reason as all of us were.

You might think people don't care but they do. I care. Two days ago I had a friend who wanted to commit suicide and I stayed up until 2 in the morning trying to talk him out of it. In the end he said he wanted to be left alone so I said okay and told him that if he needed someone to talk to, I would be there for him to listen. We haven't talked since and I'm still left wondering if he did it or not. I've had other friends actually commit suicide before and to this day I still feel guilty because I feel like I could have done more for them and been there for them more, but I wasn't.

My point is, nobody is going to create a purpose for you to go ahead. You have to create one. As you have found the purpose to commit suicide, find one to go ahead living your life. I'm not telling you: "Go and enjoy life, because it's beautiful and blabla..." - Life is s*** sometimes, I know, and that's why you should keep fighting to change it and make it as you want until your last breath.

My words probably won't make a difference for you, but I hope that by being here for you and listening to you I can. Please, if you ever need to talk to someone, I'll be here. I won't be on here all day obviously but when I am, I'll put in the extra effort to make you feel better about yourself.

Please keep that in mind. Take care of yourself.


I have a kid in my psych class who looks and sort of acts like Harry Potter, except his hair is a shade lighter and his glasses are square I think...... He's annoyingly nerdy too. And I don't mean that as an offense, because I am a nerd myself, but he's just so........ I mean come on, at LEAST untuck your shirt! lol