Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


I am thinking of starting a thread here. Not sure about it yet. Its a big move...what if no one responds to it... I would feel pretty stupid. I wonder how many other 30 something year olds have no idea how to behave in the adult world. Oh well back to my video games..


Finally decided to talk to my therapist about my past with being bullied. We pretty much had the "its not your fault" scene from Good Will Hunting lol.


Well-known member
trying to find a pair of shoes to make me feel better about the bridesmaid dress i'll have to wear with them.

these go with everything....


Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I just got so annoyed at the Job Centre. I hate going there, they seem to think that just because I'm unemployed then I must be a dosser or something (nevermind the fact I actually do a load of voluntary work for free every day). Today the lady was being extra critical and pulling a face, "Well I don't think you've been looking for the jobs because you've not written it down in your log-book that you've been onto the websites". I was like ERRR, really?? You want me to write it down every time I look at a website?! I just said, "Oh I'm sorry, I was under the impression that I only had to record actual applications and significant things like that, which I have done, not just when I simply look at a website". She didn't really know what to say back to that. Idiot.

Annoying isn't it? Like writing it down proves anything. :rolleyes: When I had to deal with these people I used to apply for at least three jobs every week. If there weren't three suitable jobs (which was most weeks) I just applied for three totally random ones. Completely pointless exercise, but it seemed to keep them happy.


I'm getting real sick of when I try to bury the hatchet with someone online and stop a feud but they insist on having the last word.


Well-known member
i wish this kid would leave already. i felt bad for him for like the first 20mins of his crying we are an hour into it and i'm ready to pick him up and sit him outside in the rain.

i guess parental tolerance is different when it isn't your kid screaming for an hour.