Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Hey guys, find me on Tinder!

Wow there's so little people on here, what is everyone doing?
Trying to get everything done that I need to get done, in each 24hr day.
There are simply not enough hours in a day! :sad:

If each day had 30 hours in it, that would make life so much easier!


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Wow there's so little people on here, what is everyone doing?

Just trying to get my life back into some sense of routine. Failing at that, so I've just spent the last few days fixing laptops for my oldest sister and her fiancee, as well as freeing up space on my own. Even though I'd much prefer to be using what little free time I get to myself to write and upload my music to the internet.


Well-known member
Trying to get everything done that I need to get done, in each 24hr day.
There are simply not enough hours in a day! :sad:

If each day had 30 hours in it, that would make life so much easier!
what kinds of things do you need to get done?


Well-known member
Just trying to get my life back into some sense of routine. Failing at that, so I've just spent the last few days fixing laptops for my oldest sister and her fiancee, as well as freeing up space on my own. Even though I'd much prefer to be using what little free time I get to myself to write and upload my music to the internet.

I see.. thanks for the replies.

What do you do for work Pacific_Loner, just wondering what other SA ppl do for work. :question:
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not actually Fiona Apple
My dreams lately have been very different than the past for me. Usually my dreams are about me, and it's sort of clear where they came from.

For a little while now they have largely not involved me at all, and have been like real stories (albeit still weird like dreams are at times). Like I had a dream about some guy trying to get a sword or something in ancient Egypt and climbing inside this temple thing.

And then I'll have a space dream.

And then a Victorian London dream.

And then a Olympic medalist ski run dream.

It's not a bad thing, but it feels very strange when I wake up in the morning. I am asking myself "where did that come from?" and I honestly am unsure. And I don't mean what the dream means, but more how did I come up with ancient Egypt out of seemingly nowhere?

Brains are weird I guess. :idontknow:


Pirate from the North Pole
What do you do for work Pacific_Loner, just wondering what other SA ppl do for work. :question:

Nothing very SA friendly o_O Which is why I'm the worst friend ever. After 40-50 hours of interacting and dealing with people during the week, when friday night arrives you can be sure as hell I'm not going to see anyone or even answer the phone until next monday morning.
Today was probably one of the worst days I've had. I failed my driving test. I feel not only humiliated, but like an incompetent waste of oxygen. Ugh, fml.
My dreams lately have been very different than the past for me. Usually my dreams are about me, and it's sort of clear where they came from.

For a little while now they have largely not involved me at all, and have been like real stories (albeit still weird like dreams are at times). Like I had a dream about some guy trying to get a sword or something in ancient Egypt and climbing inside this temple thing.

And then I'll have a space dream.

And then a Victorian London dream.

And then a Olympic medalist ski run dream.

It's not a bad thing, but it feels very strange when I wake up in the morning. I am asking myself "where did that come from?" and I honestly am unsure. And I don't mean what the dream means, but more how did I come up with ancient Egypt out of seemingly nowhere?

Brains are weird I guess. :idontknow:
Yep. There are things about the human brain that modern scientists and doctors still don't have a clear understanding of, today in the 21st Century! That's saying something about just how unbelievably complex the organ is.

I think sometimes the brain may substitute other things for what it is thinking about in your dreams. Like there may be a particular stressful aspect that you are trying to avoid at work, however, your brain substitutes that thing for a murderer, that you then have to run and hide from in your dream etc.

Although I can't think of what your brain was substituting finding a sword in Ancient Egypt for though! :D
Are you currently struggling to reach a certain point in a game or something? :p

Today was probably one of the worst days I've had. I failed my driving test. I feel not only humiliated, but like an incompetent waste of oxygen. Ugh, fml.
There is a very high rate of people who don't manage to pass their first driving test, Sarah. It is quite common.
It is normal for nerves get the better of people during their first time taking the test. For someone with SA it would be like trying to take the test with one leg tied to the door handle, lol :eek:h: Don't worry about something that so many other "normal" people struggle with too!

Pick yourself up, dust the dirt from your clothes, and learn from the experience.
Now that you are familiar with the whole process, think of any thoughts you can be repeating to yourself in your mind, to help make the 2nd test a bit easier on your nerves. :thumbup:
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Pirate from the North Pole
Today was probably one of the worst days I've had. I failed my driving test. I feel not only humiliated, but like an incompetent waste of oxygen. Ugh, fml.

As Bluedays said, a lot of people fail their first driving test. It's no tragedy and it's not shameful. Don't jump so quickly to the conclusion that you're a failure because you failed at something. Could be that you were too anxious, which doesn't mean you're a complete incompetent, it just means you haven't managed to control your anxiety yet. It could also be that your driving teacher was bad, that happens.

On a not so related note, all my life I thought I was stupid because I often don't understand what people are saying, because their words and their sentence make no sense to me.

Well today I think I realized people are just not clear at all when they speak.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Today was probably one of the worst days I've had. I failed my driving test. I feel not only humiliated, but like an incompetent waste of oxygen. Ugh, fml.

Hey, chin up!

I also failed mine the first time. And... it's almost like it's mandatory here in Oz, most people I know fail their first time lol :)