I'm just sitting here, drinking my 5 dollar coffee and planning my fictional wedding - I love how lame I am lol.
PC broken
-Me: Oh no!! what am i going to do without all my games now?!! Why are you doing this to me God? just end me!!
PC fixed
-Also me: All this games are garbage, **** this piece of junk!
So do you want to get married & have babies then? :question:
Very badly, yes, but I need a male suitor first. However when (or if) it happens, I'll know exactly what I want. I already have a lot picked out lol.
Damn I wish I could escape now.
Into one of my favorite books, games or movies ideally.
Truly immersive virtual-reality can't get here fast enough.
Sadly, I don't think the Elite would ever allow it to be affordable - therefore easily accessible - for the average man.Truly immersive virtual-reality can't get here fast enough.
There you r, i was wondering where you were, welcome back!Sadly, I don't think the Elite would ever allow it to be affordable - therefore easily accessible - for the average man.
Too many people with miserable lives would NEVER want to LEAVE the virtual-reality world.
The Elite will never allow something to completely occupy the time of the masses. The Elite need them to continue being their obedient, busy little worker-bees, for their corporations.
Sadly, I don't think the Elite would ever allow it to be affordable - therefore easily accessible - for the average man.
Too many people with miserable lives would NEVER want to LEAVE the virtual-reality world.
The Elite will never allow something to completely occupy the time of the masses. The Elite need them to continue being their obedient, busy little worker-bees, for their corporations.
I worry I may be on the path to hermitism. I guess if I were able to live a happy life that way it wouldn't be awful, but I imagine I wouldn't. The thing is I don't think I hate the world or all the people in it, it's just when I'm out around other people I see a reflection of myself and I just feel so ugly when I see it. It's not my anxiety or my nervousness or awkwardness or depression or any of those things, those are things I wouldn't fault other people for and I don't fault myself for. It's "normal" people stuff like being rude or inconsiderate or thoughtless or selfish or petty or proud or stubborn or childish that I hate seeing in myself. And for some reason, I only really see it in myself when I am out in the world. When I recluse myself from the world, I don't see those qualities as prominently.