Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
It's so much easier to make a mess than it is to clean it - a simple truth that applies to more than one situation.
Tell me about it. I'm busy trying to de-clutter to make life easier. I just deleted all the German names off my phone. Now its Hans free.


You want to know how I got these scars?
It's not always about feeling awkward; sometimes I literally have nothing to say and my mind is just blank, especially when tired.

I've always felt pressured to talk for fear of being labeled quiet, but as I've gotten a little older I've come to realize that isn't the terrible thing American culture makes it out to be. I've known lots of wonderful "quiet" people. And honestly... why talk just to talk? Nothing wrong with it per se, but nothing wrong with not feeling it serves any purpose for you. Quiet does not necessarily mean weak, boring, timid, etc., as many seem to think.

I couldn't agree more Opaline. I think 3/4 of the battle is just simply coming across the people who are like-minded.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Do tell.


Well.. I wont bore you to death with details :bigsmile: but I will say this.

I've made huge efforts to improve my SA.
I took a chance and chatted to a pretty woman.
I didn't ask for it, yet she offered me her number.
We have been on quite a few dates recently..

Last weekend was just.. amazing :blushing:
I never thought such a beautiful and amazing woman would ever be interested in me. Yet.. here we are.

I can't be THAT bad after all.. :giggle:

So yea, I realize it's early days, but things are going very well and our time spent together is amazing. I sent her a dozen blood red imported roses (cost me a bloody small fortune lol) but I think it was worth every penny just to see the smile on her face :)
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It's funny how the most brutal itches happen when you've found the most perfect comfortable position to sleep in. Afterwards you never find it again.. never again. What could've been. :c


Well-known member
I sometimes think that the Thanks button should a have an 'agreed' element to it. You read a post and its all very self explanatory and succinct so its pointless replying but you still feel a need to acknowledge its content.
Tell me about it. I'm busy trying to de-clutter to make life easier. I just deleted all the German names off my phone. Now its Hans free.


Well.. I wont bore you to death with details :bigsmile: but I will say this.

I've made huge efforts to improve my SA.
I took a chance and chatted to a pretty woman.
I didn't ask for it, yet she offered me her number.
We have been on quite a few dates recently..

Last weekend was just.. amazing
I never thought such a beautiful and amazing woman would ever be interested in me. Yet.. here we are.

I can't be THAT bad after all.. :giggle:

So yea, I realize it's early days, but things are going very well and our time spent together is amazing. I sent her a dozen blood red imported roses (cost me a bloody small fortune lol) but I think it was worth every penny just to see the smile on her face

:eek: that's wonderful, good for you! I hope things continue to go well! :)

It's funny how the most brutal itches happen when you've found the most perfect comfortable position to sleep in. Afterwards you never find it again.. never again. What could've been. :c

This happens to me almost every night and it drives me nuts.
Dogs scare the shit out of me unless they're not barky and/or hyperactive. And even then... I'm wary. It's exactly how I feel around horses :thinking:

Also completely unrelated, if you have an English accent of some sort you're automatically 2 points more attractive on the 1-10 scale in America :p
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I hate having to correct a cat's behaviour, but I constantly have to do it with one of ours because other people keep ruining him.

He's very prone to dominant and obsessive behaviour and requires stern limits on what he can do and have or it'll get away from you before you know it. They allow him to do whatever at any time, and only correct him by yelling if he gets too annoying. The latter of which only makes the problem worse. They do it so that the cat will like them better - which means that I have to be the bad guy if I don't want this cat to turn into an obnoxious piece of shit.

I mean, the corrections are psychological and completely passive, but it sucks having do anything that makes them uncomfortable in any way.
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Dogs scare the shit out of me unless they're not barky and/or hyperactive. And even then... I'm wary. It's exactly how I feel around horses :thinking:

Did you know that they can smell that you're nervous? It may be self escalating cycle you're in. It's typically beneficial to be as internally calm as possible around animals.

Some pick it up better than others, but it's a good rule of thumb generally.
Did you know that they can smell that you're nervous? It may be self escalating cycle you're in. It's typically beneficial to be as internally calm as possible around animals.

Some pick it up better than others, but it's a good rule of thumb generally.

Yes. I try to act as calm as possible around dogs but I still feel nervous, so yeah I'm sure that doesn't help.


Well-known member
The printers' interface at my faculty is pretty stupid. It was stupid 2 years ago, and they haven't changed it yet.

There are 3 things each student has: an ID number ("up" + numbers), a password and a numeric 4-digit PIN for the printers. When you try to log in at a printer, it asks for a numeric PIN and then for a password. However, this numeric PIN it asks for is not the actual PIN you have for the printers, but your ID number (which isn't even fully numeric). Then in the password field you can either write the password or the PIN code.
What the normal range for mental healthiness? How do you know that how your brain is feeling is below the line or not? Its invisible to others, so you have to self-assess, and you may be slowly sinking without you realising, so you're not sure if you are ok or not


Well-known member
What the normal range for mental healthiness? How do you know that how your brain is feeling is below the line or not? Its invisible to others, so you have to self-assess, and you may be slowly sinking without you realising, so you're not sure if you are ok or not

Here's an American medical website that is trustworthy and contains a lot of self tests. Try that for starters :)

Mental Health Screening Tools | Mental Health America


Well-known member
Did you know that they can smell that you're nervous? It may be self escalating cycle you're in. It's typically beneficial to be as internally calm as possible around animals.

Some pick it up better than others, but it's a good rule of thumb generally.

Smell ya later. Lemurs smell humans you guys stink in general. Well you're a puma so not you :p

ANYWAYS - kidding of course -

Random thought - not to consciously avoid situations when out that may spark into socialization even if you're there to work or focus on focusy things - such as in a coffee shop when there's opportune moments to interact with a person, who yes happens to be female, or sit by/at same table, or at least ask. I've done it before just in an avoiding mode. Going to write and focus BUT can't get in shellmode, trying to get back to smiling, making eye contact, zapping hesitation - weird how you can get to a place where you do/have done that BUT THEN - circumstances lead you back to a mindset where old habit/thoughts make you do the whole SA/negative stuff - like progress/experience was washed away BUT it wasn't. I'm blathering. :)
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Well-known member
I just finished reading a manga called Kare Kano and the last quote there was, "My dream is to die thinking Wow, that was fun! I'm tired." I'm wondering if I'll be able to do that when my time comes.
Finish (or alter) the list:

The top 5 worse states to be in at any given time:

1. Heartbroken
2. Hungover
3. ...pregnant? (joke... although I suppose it could apply)