Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Reflecting on my lack of sleep/getting my homework done dilemma...

I was up very late the previous night doing my homework, so I got about 3.5 hours of sleep. Given how tired I was, I was concerned about being able to write my essay in the evening, which is due tomorrow at 12 pm online, so I came up with an energy-recovery plan to power me through my cram essay session (not as crammy as most cram sessions are, though - I planned for about 12 hours to work, with breaks, obviously).

As soon as I got home I took a 5-hour "nap," which kind of made up for the sleep deficit. I still felt sort of groggy and not fully rested upon waking, but not nearly as bad as you'd think. I had dinner, including some lemonade (a little sugar can help), and I had a double chocolate ice cream bar and iced coffee - yes, sort of junky, but not terrible and my goal was to wake myself up more with the sugar and caffeine in a reasonable amount. It worked. I definitely feel the lack of an actual night's sleep but it's not torturous, just something to be tolerated.

And I'm on a roll - I came up with my essay thesis pretty quickly and have most of my idea mapped out in my head - now I just need to go through the texts and mark the passages I need and get it all down on my screen. I feel pretty good, if a little foggy-headed, but surprisingly it isn't hindering my ability to think through my argument that much. I actually think it's allowing me to relax more and slow down and be more thoughtful, because usually when I write these things I get panicky and confused because my mind runs at warp-speed and trips all over itself. I feel cozily insulated in a bubble of academic confidence :p


Well-known member
Some people pretend they don't know what's going on but the whole tome they know how ****ed up you are and you just want them to be there for you while you breakdown and to stay there so they get better and get to trust you.

But no, it's too much for them to deal with so you're just left alone to suffer for the rest of your life while they move on.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Chocolate peanut butter is my fave and there is a place down the road here where there are giant chunks of peanut butter in there and it's like an experience just eating that.

I have to say, I've never tried peanut butter ice cream. It sounds bloody horrible! :bigsmile:
But... I'll try just about anything once, so I'll give it a shot.

My fav ice cream cream in any way shape or form :giggle:


Well-known member
Chocolate peanut butter is my fave and there is a place down the road here where there are giant chunks of peanut butter in there and it's like an experience just eating that.

That sounds good, interesting too. It sounds like it'd kind of taste like a broken down Reese's cup candy except in ice cream form.

I want me some ice cream!

Me too. I ate the last of mine up, dang it.


Well-known member
I wish I wasn't so easily scared/surprised. I usually end up jumping and gasping and my eyes bug out when something surprising happens out of nowhere, which can be embarrassing.


Well-known member
That rarely happens to me but one time it happened and I realized I was having a slight panic attach before that.

I was cleaning a bird cage and they were freaking out like always and my manager was behind me and I didn't know and he said something and walked off and I'm sure he knew I was startled when he said something to me.


Well-known member
My mum wants to go on a cruise ship. She wants to take me, my sister and her boyfriend. She says it's her lifelong dream and that she'd be very happy to take us all.
I myself never saw anything special about cruise ships. I don't feel particularly happy about going on one, and I guess that makes me the odd one out. Besides, I always feel like I'll die when I have to go on stuff like this. It's not like I panic or anything, I just feel like I will die there without having done or experienced things that I wanted to do. I usually feel this way about flights too. It starts when we start making plans for it, not just right before the flight.

Anyway, everyone will obviously try their best to make me feel guilty about not going and doing this for my mother's sake so I'll have no choice but to go.


Well-known member
My mum wants to go on a cruise ship. She wants to take me, my sister and her boyfriend. She says it's her lifelong dream and that she'd be very happy to take us all.
I myself never saw anything special about cruise ships. I don't feel particularly happy about going on one, and I guess that makes me the odd one out. Besides, I always feel like I'll die when I have to go on stuff like this. It's not like I panic or anything, I just feel like I will die there without having done or experienced things that I wanted to do. I usually feel this way about flights too. It starts when we start making plans for it, not just right before the flight.

Anyway, everyone will obviously try their best to make me feel guilty about not going and doing this for my mother's sake so I'll have no choice but to go.

Aww you should go! Where is it taking you? I've never fancied travel in the form of a cruise ship but a holiday is a holiday.


Well-known member
Aww you should go! Where is it taking you? I've never fancied travel in the form of a cruise ship but a holiday is a holiday.

I don't know, it's probably a 5 day thing so I don't think we can go very far. My mum was thinking Italy or Greece but I think we'd need more days for that.