Reflecting on my lack of sleep/getting my homework done dilemma...
I was up very late the previous night doing my homework, so I got about 3.5 hours of sleep. Given how tired I was, I was concerned about being able to write my essay in the evening, which is due tomorrow at 12 pm online, so I came up with an energy-recovery plan to power me through my cram essay session (not as crammy as most cram sessions are, though - I planned for about 12 hours to work, with breaks, obviously).
As soon as I got home I took a 5-hour "nap," which kind of made up for the sleep deficit. I still felt sort of groggy and not fully rested upon waking, but not nearly as bad as you'd think. I had dinner, including some lemonade (a little sugar can help), and I had a double chocolate ice cream bar and iced coffee - yes, sort of junky, but not terrible and my goal was to wake myself up more with the sugar and caffeine in a reasonable amount. It worked. I definitely feel the lack of an actual night's sleep but it's not torturous, just something to be tolerated.
And I'm on a roll - I came up with my essay thesis pretty quickly and have most of my idea mapped out in my head - now I just need to go through the texts and mark the passages I need and get it all down on my screen. I feel pretty good, if a little foggy-headed, but surprisingly it isn't hindering my ability to think through my argument that much. I actually think it's allowing me to relax more and slow down and be more thoughtful, because usually when I write these things I get panicky and confused because my mind runs at warp-speed and trips all over itself. I feel cozily insulated in a bubble of academic confidence