Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


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Flavored rubbers :thumbup:

Hello kitty pipe :thumbdown:

She did leave it behind. So perhaps she didn't like it that much after all!



Well-known member
Ah unexpected visitors. I don't like that. Out of nowhere boom people knocking on the door. I respect them but just not the type of person who can deal with surprise visits. Sometimes I just stay in my room and not come down. Even just saying Hi feels awkward because I don't know what to say after.


Well-known member
Ah unexpected visitors. I don't like that. Out of nowhere boom people knocking on the door. I respect them but just not the type of person who can deal with surprise visits. Sometimes I just stay in my room and not come down. Even just saying Hi feels awkward because I don't know what to say after.
Ugh,I know what you mean.
My friend has made a habit of dropping by with groups of random people without warning.

I'm 95% sure he does it just to piss me off.

I come outside to meet him and I'll suddenly be in front of like 5 people that I don't know.
Instant and terrible anxiety....every ****ing time.
Almost got hit head on while driving to work. I had to cut in front of another vehicle to avoid a wreck. Then i turned around and caught up to the car and tried to get the other driver to pull over. They wouldn't. Looked like they were high on something so i called the cops. I was blacking out and shaking i was so mad. I had the thought of ramming the car off the road, wrecking them, but i thought better of the situation. I never get that mad anymore but if i hadn't moved when i did they would've hit me. Idiots! I swear they're multiplying!


Well-known member
I feel like I am on a different planet from my parents today.. I can handle one of them being loopsy but not both at the same time...:kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Almost got hit head on while driving to work. I had to cut in front of another vehicle to avoid a wreck. Then i turned around and caught up to the car and tried to get the other driver to pull over. They wouldn't. Looked like they were high on something so i called the cops. I was blacking out and shaking i was so mad. I had the thought of ramming the car off the road, wrecking them, but i thought better of the situation. I never get that mad anymore but if i hadn't moved when i did they would've hit me. Idiots! I swear they're multiplying!

I know the feeling..It's been 3 months now since I lost my car and haven't enough saved to get another one.. all because of the cause of that one idiot! He destroyed something I worked so hard for.


Well-known member
I am so mad at my husband I could scream. Yesterday I went back to school shopping with him, his mother and the kids. It was a big deal for me (the anxiety thing) but I thought I could be helpful with sizes etc. We took 2 cars and were in a town about 15 miles from home. We were shopping at Target and they were in the check out. The 3 year old was getting squirrely so I said "I'm taking the boys to the car." I got the boys in the car but they never came out of the store. I waited and waited in the hot parking lot for 45 minutes with 2 little boys crying and complaining. I finally parked the car (I had been waiting at the door) and got the kids out of their seats, went to the service desk and asked to use the phone to call our cell... He is at Walmart in the neighboring city:eek: Are you f-ing kidding me? He just left me there, no cell phone, no money, 1/8 a tank of gas in a hot parking lot with 2 kids? I was fuming. He claims that the plan was to meet there, but it most definitely was not. He had ridden there in my car, why would he suddenly change vehicles?
Why would he think a person with severe social anxiety would want to go ahead of the group alone with 2 little kids to a Walmart with no money? I seldom leave my house alone, much less attempt to shop alone.
I was in no mood to deal with him and so I got in the car and drove to our city and took the boys to the park (for fear that I would shank him with the nearest sharp object if I saw him while that mad.) I thought "let him wonder where I am for awhile, see if he likes it." So, I finally get home 2 hours later, mother in law still there (I didn't want her to see me upset) so I went to my room and locked the door and sat there for 3 hours. He got the silent treatment for 24 hours until a little bit ago when I told him off.
Here is the kicker- he's mad at me. WHAT? What a complete idiot.
I am a force to be reckoned with. I already moved his pillow and blanket downstairs.
I went to Walmart and bought myself a little phone of my own (despite the fact that I hate phones. I will NOT be dependent on him and him alone!) I shopped for the first time alone in, well, I don't know how long, and I just kept repeating in my mind "I am a *od *amn warrior!" It worked. Maybe this anger thing will work for me. I am sick of being afraid, dependent and needy. Screw it. I want to take care of myself.
That was probably really annoying, but I appreciate the vent.
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I am so mad at my husband I could scream. Yesterday I went back to school shopping with him, his mother and the kids. It was a big deal for me (the anxiety thing) but I thought I could be helpful with sizes etc. We took 2 cars and were in a town about 15 miles from home. We were shopping at Target and they were in the check out. The 3 year old was getting squirrely so I said "I'm taking the boys to the car." I got the boys in the car but they never came out of the store. I waited and waited in the hot parking lot for 45 minutes with 2 little boys crying and complaining. I finally parked the car (I had been waiting at the door) and got the kids out of their seats, went to the service desk and asked to use the phone to call our cell... He is at Walmart in the neighboring city:eek: Are you f-ing kidding me? He just left me there, no cell phone, no money, 1/8 a tank of gas in a hot parking lot with 2 kids? I was fuming. He claims that the plan was to meet there, but it most definitely was not. He had ridden there in my car, why would he suddenly change vehicles?
Why would he think a person with severe social anxiety would want to go ahead of the group alone with 2 little kids to a Walmart with no money? I seldom leave my house alone, much less attempt to shop alone.
I was in no mood to deal with him and so I got in the car and drove to our city and took the boys to the park (for fear that I would shank him with the nearest sharp object if I saw him while that mad.) I thought "let him wonder where I am for awhile, see if he likes it." So, I finally get home 2 hours later, mother in law still there (I didn't want her to see me upset) so I went to my room and locked the door and sat there for 3 hours. He got the silent treatment for 24 hours until a little bit ago when I told him off.
Here is the kicker- he's mad at me. WHAT? What a complete idiot.
I am a force to be reckoned with. I already moved his pillow and blanket downstairs.
I went to Walmart and bought myself a little phone of my own (despite the fact that I hate phones. I will NOT be dependent on him and him alone!) I shopped for the first time alone in, well, I don't know how long, and I just kept repeating in my mind "I am a *od *amn warrior!" It worked. Maybe this anger thing will work for me. I am sick of being afraid, dependent and needy. Screw it. I want to take care of myself.
That was probably really annoying, but I appreciate the vent.

I'd be uber-pissed too! How ridiculous! Super proud of you for growing a pair too :thumbup:

*High five*
I shall worship at the altar of sour cream. If it was illegal I would risk my life to get it. I couldn't face a baked potato without it, and tacos would be impossible. It may be better than life itself.

I love you, sour cream. Be mine forever.
I shall worship at the altar of sour cream. If it was illegal I would risk my life to get it. I couldn't face a baked potato without it, and tacos would be impossible. It may be better than life itself.

I love you, sour cream. Be mine forever.

Do you like buttermilk too?


Well-known member
I shall worship at the altar of sour cream. If it was illegal I would risk my life to get it. I couldn't face a baked potato without it, and tacos would be impossible. It may be better than life itself.

I love you, sour cream. Be mine forever.

Oh, dairy products (especially real whipped cream) you are the biggest turn on ever!