How about Mrs. Howl(I can't remember how it was spelled:blushingWe shouldn't leave her out!
Old rich woman? Nah. Who needs money on a deserted island? I wouldn't even be wearing clothes on a deserted island! I'd wear a loincloth
How about Mrs. Howl(I can't remember how it was spelled:blushingWe shouldn't leave her out!
Yeah, sometimes it seems as though strange, seemingly innocent things can cause people to feel uneasy.
I can't pinpoint exactly why its creepy to me. Though a large part of it has to do with the suddenly switching pitches during the song, and the song just seems to build and build. It sounds really ominous to me. I always want to run out of the room screaming when I hear it.
Old rich woman? Nah. Who needs money on a deserted island? I wouldn't even be wearing clothes on a deserted island! I'd wear a loinclothand carry a spear and/or laser gun. You can have Mrs. Howell. I'll take the other two.
Then there are the thunder claps in the beginning. Yes, it is ominous now that you mention it.:thinking:
Another thing that was creepy was the movie they made in the 70s where they escaped the island and everyone looked older and there was no laugh track. So Gilligan would do something stupid and there was no laughter. That was strange.
Hahaha! Wise man!
I was thinking if they rewrote the show for today's TV, nobody would be wearing clothes and everyone would be hooking up!mg:
That the one where they found that old wwii airplane and got it going and flew away? Like the thing would start after sitting in the jungle for like 30 years. Really? :thumbdown:
Lol, well, the show never was big on logic...![]()
Eh, I'm down. I am conflicted, confused, and frustrated about life yet again. I have no purpose what-so-freaking-ever, but I want some kind of a purpose to be alive here on this earth. I am entirely indecisive about the future, and well... anything. I wish I had purpose, I wish I had goals, I wish I had at least one friend, I wish I felt some self worth. Wishing doesn't mean a thing, I have to actually do something about it. Thinking about where to start on all this sends me into an intense panic. This world is too overwhelming for me the majority of the time, I do not belong here. I just want to scream and smash things and go ballistic, but what would that solve? I hate the world sometimes, I really ****ing hate the world. I DO NOT WANT MY LIFE RIGHT NOW.
I've never known anyone who actually had a purpose. I've never known anyone who wasn't depressed who felt life should have a purpose. It seems to be about justifying the pain of existence more than anything, and existence just isn't as painful for everyone.Eh, I'm down. I am conflicted, confused, and frustrated about life yet again. I have no purpose what-so-freaking-ever, but I want some kind of a purpose to be alive here on this earth. I am entirely indecisive about the future, and well... anything. I wish I had purpose, I wish I had goals, I wish I had at least one friend, I wish I felt some self worth. Wishing doesn't mean a thing, I have to actually do something about it. Thinking about where to start on all this sends me into an intense panic. This world is too overwhelming for me the majority of the time, I do not belong here. I just want to scream and smash things and go ballistic, but what would that solve? I hate the world sometimes, I really ****ing hate the world. I DO NOT WANT MY LIFE RIGHT NOW.
I have felt similar feelings. I have never felt comfortable in my skin, like I was trapped in an uncomfortable awkward place. I don't ever feel I fit in with any groups, and if I stop to think of the whole thing (life, death, reality, the whole game that is society, how it all works) it really freaks me out because it seems too weird to be real. Do you know what I mean? I think perhaps it's because some people have a higher level of consciousness. I can sense that what is happening here on earth isn't really even relevant in the long run, but am torn because at the moment it's all I've got and I have to live here, kwim? The older I get, the more I realize how short life really is. I have sliced and diced this and tried to figure it all out and it just doesn't make any sense. Maybe I'm just crazy and broken? It's frustrating and totally confusing. You're not alone... but I hope you can move beyond the fear to get some of the things you desire because like I said, it IS short and although there is a lot of scary stuff out there, there is also a lot of good to be had.
I've never known anyone who actually had a purpose. I've never known anyone who wasn't depressed who felt life should have a purpose. It seems to be about justifying the pain of existence more than anything, and existence just isn't as painful for everyone.
You may have no sense of worth to yourself, but I can absolutely guarantee that others feel you have worth.
Goals you can research and experiment with. You can absolutely change them later, too, so don't worry about making mistakes on your goals. It took me forever to figure out any sort of goals at all for myself.
I want to call about an apartment ad I saw on craigslist, but my stomach feels like it's tied into a knot. I'm so nervous that there's gonna be awkward long pauses and I won't know what to say and I'll come across as a weirdo. I'm not very good at first impressions.
I can't emphasize enough how much it bothers me that I can't walk out my door wearing a skirt, dress, certain tank tops, etc., without being harassed or being afraid of being harassed. Some of that has to do with my own insecurity/paranoia, but it's based upon the fact that it's happened to me many times already.
Sometimes I just accept that women and men can dress and act differently because we ARE different, but other times I find myself thinking, "Yeah, why can HE walk down the street without his shirt on and with his boxers hanging out (although it looks stupid, yes, it's accepted in this culture), but the moment I show some leg I'm too sexy and suddenly deserve leering and catcalls?" Sometimes I'd like to wear a crop top, but I feel like it's too much; too sexy. Sometimes I like shorter shorts, but not so short they're revealing. Sometimes it's too hot out NOT to show more skin. I can go to the beach and be practically naked, so... It's all cultural. Skirts are sexualized because we MAKE them that way. Women used to only wear dresses once - it was unacceptable to wear pants. Now when you wear a dress instead of pants it's more attention-grabbing and, unfortunately, sexualized.
/reluctant feministic rant, but OH SO FRUSTRATING
I twisted my back opening a can of paint. A CAN OF PAINT.Seriously? Does this mean I am old?
And sadly I did a thorough job of it. I can hardly move, and it hurts so bad just sitting here that I am shaking. Gonna be a long day :crying:
I twisted my back opening a can of paint. A CAN OF PAINT.Seriously? Does this mean I am old?
And sadly I did a thorough job of it. I can hardly move, and it hurts so bad just sitting here that I am shaking. Gonna be a long day :crying:
I did take one, and it did help. Then I tried to bend over for something and it knotted back up. Thinking I'll be in there at least one more time before bed. Gotta love epsom salt!Hot bath with epsom salts in it :thumbup: fix ya right up.