It’s funny how old disruptive habits/addictions/disruptive thoughts can return so unexpectedly and have such profound effects. I thought I was over it. I thought I had turned the corner. It was my fault, I was not vigilant enough. I should have seen the signs. You can’t have it all, I know that, I’ve kind of always known that, but just once you know just once that will be OK? No, there is no such thing as just once. I’m exceptionally busy and get exhausted. I think that it’s a real life skill to know when to take breaks and importantly how to take breaks without defaulting to excess consumption.
I’m even addicted to SWP again. This disappoints me because it is so time consuming. I must have been on for most of yesterday. Checking, checking all day long. It’s quite strange behaviour really, definitely a strange way to spend a Sunday. Here we are on Monday and I’m telling you about Sunday. I’ve been checking checking today as well.
Jaim38 informed me about limerace. Yeah I certainly do some of that. My own studies had taught me about attachment and how that is generally that is not a good thing. I’ve learnt that lesson too. I had gotton myself together. Man I could float down the street is such an inconspicuous manner. Dr Claire Weekes taught me how to do that. Then one phone call that I knew that I should not make. Duh

I wonder if Einstein had these concerns. I wonder if Einstein would have logged onto SWP back in the day? I admire people who move on from SWP. I wonder if I’m closer to Einstein or Edgar Allan Poe? I’ve got a whiteboard now. Every scientist should have a whiteboard. I also have black, red, green and blue marker pens as well as one of those erasers that means that you don’t have to use your sleeve. Sheldon and Leonard have whiteboards too.
OK, I know that I can do it. Doing it consistently is the challenge.