in a VAN down by the RIVER
^ I am curious, what do you mean "I feel like I'm making this who I was when I was a kid"?
It's like ****rty drafts you into a war. All of a sudden, everything else doesn't really matter, you lay it all down and join the front to get laid. ha ha
Of course, I didn't get laid, because I was stationed in Shyville, but that's besides the point. I still had my orders.
But now that nature is taking its course and I'm coming back home, without the hail of spermfire, things are getting still again. I can hear myself. I can sit on the porch and realize that I haven't really changed all that much from those early days.
I don't know, I don't have the most organized mind in the world, I just feel like I'm making a loop and picking up where I left off somehow.