Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
~if I only had a heart...~

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Downstairs people are watching another 11pm-4am sports game and expressing themselves loudly below me. UGH! Forces me to stay up until freaking 4 AM ...

These people seem to be making you lose an awful lot of sleep lately EscapeArtist :/
Are you able to move anytime soon?


Well-known member
If you're sure, go for it - it's not that bad. It's like Paranormal Activity. Supposedly people watched that and couldn't sleep for days. I sat through it until the end and my reaction was something like "that was it?". I never found a single second of it scary because I've seen an episode of the Powerpuff Girls more scary than that. If you've ever watched something like Hostel, The Hills Have Eyes is nothing to be afraid of, but in this case, that's not to say you won't enjoy it. It's quite creepy, from what I remember. = P
I'm used to old fashioned things like "the Texas chainsaw massacre" so I suppose it'll seem pretty hardcore for me?

I don't know, I don't really get scared by what I've read the premise of the movie to be, so I think I'll risk it.


Well-known member
i think i have some sort of pychic power! my past thoughts seem to be coming true, they were thoughts i had in the past that i told myself, 'wow, that would never happen, why did i think of that'. and then it happens as time went by. it wasnt as simple as someone in blue walk past you, it was a particular thing, colour, mood and everything. No one believes me though.

my posts are a waste of servers
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Well-known member
Thinking of watch "The Hills Have Eyes".


The original or the 2006 remake?

I liked both enough to watch them twice. The remake has a scene in it that I just cannot watch, so I skip past it- since it's not relevant to the storyline at all. (a brief rape scene/ not unheard of in the horror genre)
If you're okay with gore, then watch- it's pretty much a classic horror movie.
If you peed your pants watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre and wouldn't want to ever watch it again--- then don't bother with The Hills Have Eyes. XD
The original or the 2006 remake?

I liked both enough to watch them twice. The remake has a scene in it that I just cannot watch, so I skip past it- since it's not relevant to the storyline at all. (a brief rape scene/ not unheard of in the horror genre)
If you're okay with gore, then watch- it's pretty much a classic horror movie.
If you peed your pants watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre and wouldn't want to ever watch it again--- then don't bother with The Hills Have Eyes. XD

Thanks for your opinion. It's the remake, because most streams come up with the remake, and I could be bothered to search specifically for the original.
I think I'd be ok with all of that, I sort of terrify myself with my lack of repulsion at things like that in films. Perhaps because I know it's all acting.

It's loaded, I think I'm going to take the plunge and watch it